Sunday, April 10, 2011

Diamond top, internet problems

I got one top sewn together yesterday.  I have to decided if I want to put the same border on it that was used in the Kaffe book.

I was without Internet from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. yesterday.  I called Comcast and she said there was no outage in my area.  I had no connection for an hour Tues. night too so I wondered if it was my modem.  It is the original one I got almost 8 years ago so they are going to replace it on Monday morning.  I haven't downloaded the app to let me blog from my phone and all I was able to do was put in the title line and post it yesterday, just in case I wasn't able to get on today.


Sewing Junkie said...

Must have been the day for computer problems. Last night my problems resolved themselves. The quilt top is beautiful. The contrasts are vivid and pleasing to the eye. Great looking quilt. Chris

Quiet Quilter said...

Every time I see your progress in this quilt I think it couldn't get any lovelier.

Unknown said...

The quilt is gorgeous!! I just love it!! I really hate when there are cable issues. Most of the time Comcast is not too quick on the fixing part.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hate computer problems, I never know what to do with it.

Vicki W said...

I love it!

jovaliquilts said...

Love the top!!
When we had cable problems and no one else did, it was because the cable in the yard had been injured by a neighbor digging in her garden. It happened several times a year until one Comcast guy finally spent the time to properly lay the cable.

Shelina said...

This quilt is gorgeous! it is turning out so nicely. Sorry about your internet troubles. Hopefully they resolve themselves.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

A thing of beauty is a joy forever, and that diamond quilt definitely qualifies.

Marty G said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I am definitely adding this to my list! Can't wait to see what you decide to do with the borders.

HollyM said...

Wow, that i pretty! I like the light and dark contrast, but I also like the areas that seem to run into each other. Not sure if you know what I mean. some strips that are closer in value almost seem to run front the dark triangles into the light triangles. It makes it interesting.

dls said...

Your top is beautiful! The colors (esp. the blues) seem to vibrate across the surface!

8 years..... sounds like your modem!

dianen said...

Oh, this came out so beautifully!!!! It's just gorgeous!!! I didn't know if I was going to like it but I just love it. You must be so happy with it!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Absolutely gorgeous diamonds Wanda! You have such talent for color.

Lynn said...

This quilt is just wonderful - I bet you could sit for hours looking at all the different fabrics and the play of light and dark. Thanks for sharing your process.

colorquilter said...

Gorgeous quilt!!! hey put a better border on it than Kaffe did in his book. I didn't like that at all.

Debbie said...

The diamonds just sparkle. This is so striking. Great as always.

Teodo said...

The quilt is BELLISSIMO(amazing).
ciao ciao

Cathi said...

The diamonds live up to their name -- truly jewel-like sparkling beauties!

Needled Mom said...

I hope the new modem takes care of the problem.

The diamonds look fabulous. One advantage of no computer is that you can get EVEN MORE done.

Pat said...

I had some computer problems a few weeks back and when that happens it drives me crazy. Thankfully I figured out what was wrong and took care of it.

The quilt is beautiful. I need some stash like you have. Right now am working with pastels but look forward to getting into something else.

How about this beautiful weather today?

SueR said...

What a gorgeous quilt! So many fun fabrics to look at!

Brita said...

Kaffe would be proud :-) I love that quilt!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Wanda, We miss you.Glad to know the problem
will be solved.jmh

Anonymous said...

Your diamonds have lived up to it's name. This piece just sparkles !


Karen said...

Wanda, this looks fabulous!! I know you must be pleased.

Vivian said...

The diamonds top is exquisite. It does indeed appear to sparkle.

Good luck with the router change. Hopefully it'll be just what you need.

Kristin L said...

It looks great!

hetty said...

Your quilt looks fantastic! My computer gave me a lot of trouble too. It zapped me when I turned it on and totally died a week or so ago. It was old, so instead of fixing it I bought a new computer. Hope to be back to blogging as soon as I figure everything out.

Selvage Quilter said...

As I scrolled down my Google Reader I saw the thumbnail of this quilt before I saw your name, and I knew it was yours immediately!
Wow, that's beautiful.

Julia said...

I've watched with great interest on your progress of this "diamond" quilt. It surely is marvelous.

Michelle said...

Stunning....beauitful!!!! I love it.