
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A good day............

Last night I sewed the second placemat.  I ironed them onto fusible batting and trimmed them to square them up.  The little squares finished at 1".  Now I need to choose a backing fabric.  I think I will just bring the backing around to the front instead of a separate binding.  They are for me to use so I can do it any way I want.

I found someone who would take a lot of fabrics that I no longer want to own, quilted, velour, heavier cottons, etc. and they came yesterday morning and went through it and took most of it.  I feel 100 pounds lighter with the weight off my shoulders of having to store things I don't need.  I have an empty shelf in my little fruit cellar a/k/a fiber related store room.  It was a lot of work getting it all out but I am so happy I did it.

Heidi in the north of Norway, you asked when I started washing my fabrics.  I wash the fabric we use to make the pillowcases for donation, not my own fabric.  We wash it first so there won't be any twisting after laundering like some purchased pillowcases.  Also we feel it will be softer and cleaner smelling for the recipients.


  1. Now you made me think I need to go through garment material and maybe get rid of some of mine. I have almost 20 yards of corduroy. This is taking up a lot of room. The placemats are really neat looking. Chris

  2. I love the place mats!! They will be a terrific addition to your home. Wow, I bet that was the quickest most efficient diet around. 100 pounds in a day!! I am sure the fabrics will get put to good use too!

  3. Oh, Wanda - your placements are gorgeous!!! They look like they were fun to make!! Kris

  4. The placemats are beautiful! It is great that someone had a use for the fabric you no longer needed.

  5. Your placemats are so beautiful and I've brought the backing around to the front as binding on ones I've made for us. Congrats on clearing out some you have more room for new!

  6. What a good idea to clear out some fabric.
    I need to do that.
    How do you find someone to take it?

  7. love the placemats and think it is so nice that you got rid of so much fabric that you felt you would not use. It makes room for you spread things out more and it gives someone else fabric for them to use.

  8. I love the placemats Wanda. I use fusible batting in all my totes and some table toppers. I do binding that way also, especially mug rugs and table toppers.

    I have pulled fabrics from my stash from back when I made lots of garments. I thought I would donate it all to 4H but they don't have their sale until June. I sure don't want to keep it till then. So now I'm looking for plan "B".

  9. I have yards and yards of corduroy too, as well as beautiful wools, left from the days when I sewed clothing. I've thought of felting the wool and zigzagging patches of it into quilts. but I have no ideas for the corduroy, alas. and, wanda, I love the placemats and visit your blog every day.

  10. Those will be a nice antidote to winter!

  11. Placemats are so pretty ! Perfect compliment for your kitchen.

    I give my fabrics away like you do too. I had to laugh, I gave about the same amount of fabric to the local home ec. teacher, to share with her students that did not have fabrics to use, several years ago. She used most of it for herself and made garments for her own children.


  12. Your placemats are so pretty. The colors are scrumptious!

  13. Yay! Splendiferous placemats and fabric purge all in one. That is a good day for sure.

  14. Your placemats are SO pretty!! Love the colours in them!! They make me think of raspberries and cream. :-)

  15. I love the colors of the placemats. What size are you making them. I am with you as far as the binding. I sometimes like doing that on my quilts. I also end up with way too much stash as I have a friend that brings me scraps from a factory where they make children's items. I go through the stash every few months and donate it to my church's quilting guild. That way I am sure it is being used and the church sells them and makes some money.

  16. Nice placemats, Wanda; you'll never find those in a store from an assembly line manufacturer! Congratulations on getting rid of your fabrics! Someone called me to pick up some on Friday that I'll take to my guild meeting on Saturday.


  17. My first thought was that these are too beautiful to use as placemats...then I thought...'what a great way to use up scraps'...and 'what a great idea to make beautiful things to use and enjoy'!

  18. Love those colourful placemats... good to hear of someone who gets sidetrackes when looking for something - I do this more often than I car to :)


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