
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Alright already!!!

OK, whoever is still doing the snow dance, it is time to quit!!!  So clean white snow looks better than dirty snow, I like a clean driveway even better.  We got about 2" overnight and it is going to turn really cold this week so I had to get out there and shovel.  That is my path that I shoveled out to get my newspaper, and the snow continued to fall after that.
There is a spirea bush under that pile.  I think it is getting enough moisture this winter.

The good news?  The driveway is shoveled and it is going to get above freezing so the little bit I can't get in a shovel will melt on its own.


  1. Not me! If anything, I would do a sunshine dance, NOT snow! We got another 5" yesterday....on top of the other snow so we have loads here in lower MI.

    Wishing for clear roads and sunshine.

    Take care!


  2. What happened to the "dusting" they were forecasting last night? I woke up to four inches of "dust" down here in the city this morning! GOtta say, it's awfully pretty!

  3. Oh, I don't envy that weather one little bit. I'll stick with my boring climate any time. It's what I'm used to I suppose. Your snow is pretty however, from afar.

  4. the cold is coming south to us again also, plus snow tonight, in the morning and again on Wednesday! I'm tired of it too. Glad you were able to clear a path.

  5. I have been doing the snow dance for 16 years since I moved to Florida, it has come to within an hour of the house, 3 times in the past year and a half until it snows here, I will keep on dancing!!!

  6. Funny comment from 'snow dancing Ann Marie'.

    Wanda your students work are gorgeous. Every one of them has a beautiful selection of fabrics. I know you are proud of them too.


  7. I am so with you on enough is enough!! I HATE snow!!! But at least you have time to stay home and sew!!!

  8. Hello Wanda,
    I've not been for a while but have enjoyed the last ten minutes catching up with what you have been doing. It is all beautiful and you obviously inspire your students to the same high standard! Brilliant! I am really going to get to grips with patchwork and quilting this year - one of my resolutions!! Keep brushing the snow - you have had a lot! Ours came before Christmas just as we had our central heating changed!!!! Take care and thank you.

  9. This winter has been one for the books. Surely you're due for some good luck.

  10. You have my empathy. You really need a break from all this snow and shoveling.
    (We still have ice under our snow. I was out on the roads a bit today, and if we don't get more, I have high hopes for my commute tomorrow.) Is this the Tuesday your quilt group is going to try to get together again?

  11. I'm with you...but I was complaining about 8" here. More on the way for us this week they say. Ugh.....guess we will just have to sew our way thru it.

  12. I swear I am not doing the snow dance! I am absolutely sick of winter. I need to see some green!!

  13. I'm way behind on my reading, been busy as a bee the last few days. I love your Friday journal quilt, those penguins are quite elegant. Your students are doing a great job, and its interesting to see all the different ways they use color.

    The groundhog gave us good weather on this end... maybe I can put a bug in his ear for you?

  14. I agree with you. At least the Robins and the Bluebirds have returned.
    Maybe it will warm up soon.

  15. And more snow overnight. Will it ever end?

  16. You should move out to California, its a beautiful day today. The sun is shinning, I have all the door and windows open. I just love the beautiufl weather we have all year. Dont like it when its cold.

  17. We got another 3" or so in MO. I think that would bring the total up to about 25", more or less, in the past couple of weeks. At this rate I don't think I will be able to get to my drivaeway until Summer time. LOL ! ! !


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