
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ditch quilting..

I quilted this quilt on my mid arm machine in Dec. and now I am ditch quilting it on my Babylock Professional Quilter.  I wasn't sure if that would work well but it is and it's really worth the time to do it.  I know I will go back and do a couple others now too.

One of my students stopped by and we put her fabrics in order for her Trip Around the World quilt.  She is going to be in the Saturday class.


  1. I am new to quilting, less than five years and have never heard of ditch quilting, after the binding has been completed. Do you do this, just to add more quilting?

  2. Gorgeous quilt - colourful but gentle!
    Hugs - Lurline♥

  3. I am curious also about "why" you are ditch quilting after it is "finished"

    That may be worthy of a blog entry.

  4. I'm with Gene. Worthy of a blog entry as I'm completely intrigued.

  5. LOL ok Wanda you might want to explain to us all why you added the ditch quilting as well - maybe you didn't think you had enough quilting in the quilt? It looks pretty.

  6. Could you also do it on the Jewel with rulers? It seems like it would be easier.

  7. I'd be interested in seeing what the back looks like when you finish Wanda.

  8. I have a completed quilt that I feel needs more quilting but don't know quite how to go about it. Is this why you are adding the ditch quilting to this quilt? I could use more information about this. Thanks.

  9. Now you see Wanda, that you have us all completely intrigued! You'll just have to do some 'splaining. LOL


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