
Friday, December 31, 2010

Time to get serious............

When I went back through my photos of 2010 I only found 9 quilts that I finished.  In addition to those I quilted 5 Quilts of Valor.  I need to get serious this year and do some finishing.  I matched a bunch of wallhangings with pieces of batting in the batting leftovers box.  I also made a list of all of the quilts that I need to quilt on my mid arm machine with either meandering, loop de loop, or wavy grid.  If you want to see any of these quilting styles, go to my label list and click on Machine Quilting and scroll down.

Another Christmas cactus is blooming.  This flower is curled in under a couple of the leaf shapes.  I had to rearrange the plant to let it out.  They reduced the price to 2 for $5 so I got a couple more.  More therapy, less winter blues.

Here is another one just opening up.  They are so delicate and pretty.

Today is a sew-in at a friend's house, a good way to end the year.


  1. Gee Wanda I would have thought you did more than 14 quilts all up.
    Remember you were going finish two and start one!! LOL.
    The pink Cactus is pretty.I also have a Salmon coloured one.
    We just keep doing more new ones.
    How is Dad??
    Enjoy New Year or are you staying home like me ?

  2. Thank you for sharing more pictures of your cactus blooms. One of my goals this year is to finish more of the projects I have half done. Everytime I look for something in my sewing closet I find things I forgot that I had.

  3. Your Christmas cactus is beautiful - I've not seen one in that color. Mine is starting to drop all of it's blossoms but at least it bloomed for Christmas.
    I hope you have a very happy New Year!

  4. I am going to have to go thru my pictures and see how many quilts I finished this year myself. I think it is alway good to review to see how much I did accomplish. I don't think that getting 9 quilts done is too shabby! After all Wanda you made how many pillowcases this year too!

  5. I have a Cactus in that color. It's pretty old, it only gets a few blooms now.
    I think quilting with a friend is a great way to bring in the new year.
    Happy New Year Wanda!

  6. One of my goals for 2010 was to quilt and finish 10 UFO quilts that were just waiting for quilting and binding. I haven't done the final tally, but I think I only finished two. So on my to do list for this weekend is to do the same as you did, prep batting for the remaining quilts to be quilted. They already have backings, so once I get the batting pulled, hopefully I can make short work of them and knock them off the list in 2011.

    Love your Christmas cacti! I therapy for sure.

  7. I enjoy my christmas cactus so much. Last year it also bloomed in June so it worked twice as hard.

    I have been getting ready for next year as well. I am pleased with the results for the first half of 2010 but 'kinda' slacked off during the second half. Guess I lost motivation.

    Hugs - Marie

  8. I personally think 14 quilts is a good amount to have finished - that is more than one a month! I wish you a happy and productive 2011!

  9. I am so glad I am not the only one who pieces batting for wall hangings. I just use the scraps of batting up for those.. for some reason, it works. Battin is hard to come by around here.. so expensive, but so worth it. It took me a long time to find the battin that works the best. When I first started I used some high loft, not sure of the brand, but let's just say it didn't make it through the wash.. What is your favorite type of batting.. I love your projects, and your quilt tops!

    Thank You for sharing, sorry for babbling!

  10. Hi Wanda!
    Happy New Year!
    So you think you were a slacker this past year, huh? I think you have very high standards..and you probably did way more than many quilters.
    My Christmas cactus (more of a fuchsia color) has been blooming for the last 3 weeks. Very fun when it blooms "on time".
    Take care.
    Vicky F

  11. You've finished more than I did! I'm not even taking count -- way more starts than finishes!
    Your Christmas cacti are gorgeous. What a wonderful thing to have a plant flowering at this time of year!
    Happy New Year!

  12. Well you will get them done once you set your mind to it, which it seems you have.

    I miss my Christmas cactus now. I gave up on it when we moved 7 years ago and now I am ready for another since watching yours. Flowers in winter is such great therapy.

    It has been especially gloomy with the fog here for so long. Great to melt some of the snow though.

  13. My goal in 2011 is to finish a dozen UFOs. I recently listed all my UFOs, and the kits I've put together, and then there are all those unquilted tops. Oh my! I'll have lots of beautiful quilts, totes, jackets, vests, wallhangings and tableruners by the end of the year if I just focus. Instead of MAKING MORE UFO's!!!!

  14. Oh, if I hadn't given up ENVY , I would be envious !

    First the great price on the Christmas cacti, and now THE BEST.........a sewing day at a friend's house ! Oh, how I miss those days.

    If the LORD has something better than that in mind for my future, it is going to be SOMETHING ELSE !

    Happiest and healthiest, and a most blessed new year to you and your dad !

  15. Do you keep your Christmas cactus in the sun or shade? I have never tried to grow one but saw some huge ones while we were in MD. May have to get one or two.

    This has not been a great year for finishes here, either so I am going to try to shape up and get better organized. I love the sense of accomplishment finishes give me.

  16. Only 9 finishes? What about all the Quilts of Valor, the pillowcases, the journal covers and everything else you do for others. I think you are the most prolific quilter that I know. Your cactus is gorgeous. Happy New Year!

  17. Happy New Year Wanda ! Looking forward to more eye candy in 2011 with the morning coffee.

  18. I spy Cobblestone quilts in that stack of tops waiting to be quilted!

    Your Cobblestone series remains my all-time favorite of everything I've admired on your blog, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again as you quilt them and bring them to a finish.



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