Friday, December 24, 2010

A special delivery.......

I had never received a package like this until yesterday.  Inside was a silver bubble wrap package, and inside that was a cold pack on top of.............

this tin.  A sticker on the outside of the box said to refrigerate the contents immediately upon arrival.  My daughter had told me they were sending this to me.

My grandson who is a junior in college helped make the video for this company's website.  I went to the website to see why they were shipped in a cold pack.  It is because they don't use any preservatives so the bon bons need to be refrigerated until the day you are serving them.  It sounds like they should be eaten at room temperature.

Included in the package was this calendar.  The first picture says "Here's to another year of sitting around eating bon bons".  That's what we all do, right?  Actually I've never had one so this will be a new experience.  I'll see if I can hold off until my family comes for Christmas and then we can all experiment together.

I made my last batch of spritz cookies so now I can put the press away.

W*l-M*rt had cactus plants 2 for $8 so I invested in a few.  It is cheap winter therapy in my opinion.  This is the first one to bloom.  I had never seen this many buds on each leaf segment.  I got a rose colored one and 2 very dark rose.  The buds fell of the dark ones so I'll have to wait until they want to bloom again.

I always need my close up shot too.  Some of the buds on this one are drying up too so I may not get many flowers this time around.


Anonymous said...

Have a blessed Christmas!


Gale Wrigley said...

Oh how divinely decadent!!! And wow - how many ideas can you get from the STUFF! Silver bubble wrap. The terrific tin. The fun calendar and even the great wraps on the bon bons. There's lots of art potential in that box!!!

Happy Holidays. Enjoy the decadence - we get to experience so very little of it!!

Sewing Junkie said...

Have a Merry Christmas Wanda. I am having ours today. Need to go get the pies made. Merry Christmas Chris

Jody said...

A blessed delicious holiday to you Wanda! Enjoy those bonbons whilst doing what you do best - NOT sitting around!

Unknown said...

Went and watched the video and now I think I might need to order some!! They look yummy. You will have to let us know your review. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!

Terri Stegmiller said...

Ohhhh those all look yummy. The plants are gorgeous. I've never made spritz cookies, but I sure love to eat them. Happy Holidays!

Mary said...

Beautiful photography. You're making me want to try a Christmas cactus too, but I read an article that said they ar rather fussy plants.

Gene Black said...

The bonbons look delicious (yes I watched the video) but they are beyond my price point. Ha ha. That may be a good thing!

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Peace and blessings to you all.

Jean said...

Those look very yummy! Should be a nice treat for those evenings of quilting!
Sorry about your dad, hope he gets his strength back so he can go home.
Merry Christmas!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

enjoy savoring the chocolate - a unique gift.
Merry Christmas

Vicki W said...

Ha! Those Bon Bons would have never seen the inside of my refrigerator.....and no one else would have seen them either! YUUUUUUMMMM!

Char said...

I've never had Bon Bons either.

Love the cactus, I've only ever seen 2 buds on one leaf, that's something.

Merry Christmas to you and yours Wanda!

Maria said...

What a gorgeous grandson to send you such a delicious gift. Enjoy.

That's a pretty pink Cactus.

Is Dad feeling a bit better?

Enjoy your Day with Family.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Wow, I've never seen that many buds! And the bon bons look delicious. What a nice treat.
Enjoy your family, and have a wonderful Christmas! Thank you for all your daily inspiration. It's good of you to share.

Dana Gaffney said...

Don't forget to watch soap operas while you sit around eating those bon bons. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I have really enjoyed learning from you and seeing your beautiful creations. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have great blooming success with a daily gentle misting of the christmas cactus. best wishes of the season to you and your loved ones and thank you for all the exuberant inspiration .linda m in bc

Cindy F said...

Those bon bons looked so scrumptious! I stopped into a local grocery store the other day and came home with a Christmas cactus too, one with dark rose flowers. Mine didn't have as many blooms on each leaf like yours though! I'm with you on the winter therapy. Looking forward to seeing the blooms open up.

NeverBored said...

I've got 2 Christmas cactus and no particular green thumb; my plants seem to thrive on being ignored. I only water them about once a week and one plant is 30 yrs old and was started from a slip off a 50 yr old plant! They both bloom for me every year, multiple times. More blooms when they're a bit root bound. They do like cool temperatures and darkness in the evening, so if you aren't getting blooms, move the plant to a room that's cooler and isn't lit at night.

Merry Christmas!

Elsie Montgomery said...

My Christmas cactus blooms like crazy too, but it will drop buds every time I move it! Enjoy!

And may your Christmas also be filled with joy as you celebrate His birth. said...

Merry Christmas - Wanda!!!

Patty said...

Your spritz cookies look so good! My mom would always make them at Christmas. I have tried and have never been able to get them right. When I saw them they brought back a memory from years ago. Thanks!

Tine said...

Have merry Christmas!!! The bonbons look delicious, and pretty with the colored wrapping :)

Jeannette said...

Bon bons when sitting on bun can lead to ...

I may have written to you about this when you last pictured a blooming cactus, or maybe I got distracted and didn't say:
These cactus can drip sticky milk so be careful of what is underneath them. I remember you saying you were putting it up so it could hang down.

and on that note...Merry Christmas and happy new year to you. I enjoy your visuals sew things up so nicely and so often, I don't have to!

Vivian said...

The buds are impressive, the cookies look delicate & tasty, and the bonbons are no doubt decadent (and hard to resist).
Here's wishing you a very Merry Christmas and blessed family time.

Eat Sleep Quilt said...

Merry Christmas, Wanda, and blessings all around!

Those bon bons look divinely yummy, I know you will enjoy them. Lovely blooms!.