
Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I found the perfect green fabric for the binding on the floral Kaleidoscope quilt.  I decided this one need to have a hand sewn finish.  This has always been a favorite quilt top, and now it will be a favorite finished quilt.

I got it sewn on the front and have 2 sides hand sewn on the back.  I was watching a movie while I worked on it so the time passed quickly.  This quilt ended up 51" wide and 71" long after quilting so its a good couch throw.

When I went out to get my mail I noticed icicles hanging from the gutters.  It was warm enough to melt a little on Sunday and then we were down to 0 again Sun. night and only up to 18 yesterday.  Now it is supposed to get warmer, even rain later this week.  I can't imagine that all of the snow will melt though.


  1. I really like the binding on the quilt.

    The weather here is much colder than usual for this time of year. This morning I woke up to a reading of 18 on my outside thermometer. BRRRR.

  2. The binding really comliments the quilt.
    Finally going to get back in the Studio. I got some toner prints so I can attempt to do screen printing again.

  3. Love the Kaleidoscope!

    Do you knock off the icicles? (Our maintenance guys did last year... I've never had to deal with them personally.)

  4. The binding is perfect on that quilt. Very nice.

    Brr...those icicles look chilly. Be careful walking under them as they look like they could be a dangerous weapon.

  5. That binding IS perfect. Did you find it shopping in your stash? LOL We're warming up today, and I'm glad. Can't take too much of that cold! I feel for you.

  6. What a perfect choice for binding. I took a 2 day workshop from June Jeager from OR and she said the binding is your last design opportunity. I"ve never forgotten that advice. It's so true.

  7. That binding really is perfect!

  8. Binding is one of my favourite things. I can't wait to see a picture of it finished!
    We're supposed to get a ton of rain too at the end of the week

  9. Love the binding and those icicles certainly look dangerous, but also pretty. We have just rain and more rain over here in Aust


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