
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Winter is coming............

There were a few green redbud leaves and one small maple tree that still had leaves yesterday morning.  By afternoon however most of the leaves had fallen.

The leaves on this tree just went straight from yellow to brown instead of turning oranges and reds like the tree next to it.  When I went out to fill the bird feeders and fill the water bowls in the afternoon I found ice still in the bowls.  The sun wasn't hot enough to melt it.  That surprised me.  I guess I was in denial that winter is really on the way even though it was only 20 degrees when I got up.

I cut more fabric for the yellow quilt border and the for the wonky one I showed yesterday.  Then I just played with my guilt for time wasted.


  1. I feel the same way. I found icicles yesterday in the mid morning. We have had the fireplace going and I am resigned to the fact that Winter is on it's way. I have been sewing and trying to get in the mood for the holidays. Stay warm and busy. Chris

  2. I shiver just thinking of 20 degrees :) it is getting chilly at night here also but up here on our ridge we have not had a frost yet but down in the valley 3 miles away they have had frost several times. We have hit a low of 34 - I can feel winter coming though I was very cold at the wedding we went to yesterday, they kept propping the door open at the reception hall and I had to keep moving away from it and glad I had a sweater.

  3. Yes, it is getting way too cold for me here too. I am definitely not a winter person and the only redeeming thing about it is that I can stay inside and sew more. Looking forward to seeing more yellow!

  4. Some days I just play too, but far more than you do, so enjoy without guilt! I love the pictures! Karmen

  5. Love you Fall Photos.
    We do not get Fall in Australia and I think it is a beautiful season.

  6. Oh Wanda! You are hilarious with this: "I guess I was in denial that winter is really on the way even though it was only 20 degrees when I got up." This is funny to me because of course down my way 20 degrees would have the entire City of J'ville shut down! Enjoyable post.

  7. We've had such crazy weather this fall. Snow in September then 20 degrees C last week!

  8. we had snow.
    denial no longer
    i think i hummed my first christmas tune.

  9. Good to hear your weather report and I always look at the "AccuWeather" report you have on your blog. I can call my sister in Sandwich and tell her what to expect for the day. ☺


  10. Oh, wow, now we really begin to see the difference in our weather. We've been having quite cool weather for us - forties at night, but it got up to 70 this afternoon, so very pleasant. I think we're due to be back in the eighties by mid week. Ah, Houston, this is the time of year to be here!

  11. They said we might get snow on the weekend. Thankfully, we didn't. I'm hoping for another winter like last year -- short and not that cold with little snow.

  12. Brrrrr! And I thought cooler temps had finally arrived here with our lows in the 40's - lol!


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