
Friday, November 12, 2010

A Social day............

Yesterday started out with errands for my dad, then lunch with the sisters-in-law for a birthday celebration.  I ran another errand and barely got a nap in when my cousin called to see if I wanted to go out to eat with him and his wife.  I knew they were coming through town and stopping to see my dad in the middle of the afternoon but didn't know I would get to spend several hours with them too.  I noticed my burning bushes had finally turned red and in fact were losing their leaves so I got a picture of the berries.  The full shot photo wasn't very good so I need to get another shot of them today.
I spotted this plant on my way back to the front door.  I think it is one of the invasive perennials that I try to dig out each year.  Now I'm thinking maybe I should leave it in the flower bed for its fall colors.

I managed to get in a couple hours of sewing last night while I watched CSI and the Mentalist.  I got 16 more blocks done for the wavy seam quilt.  I could hear it raining while I was sewing.  We have had so little rain since the end of Sept. that I was glad to hear it.


  1. I like the Wavy seam blocks. They are interesting to me. I need to find a simple block pattern and try and relax with plain and simple sewing with a flair for color and style. My bucket list gets longer all the time.LOL Chris

  2. Now now now..... repeat after yourself - invasive perennials - just keep removing as usual and let the fall color come else where. Have my own invasive plants and they are not fun or worth the color in any season.

    Your season pictures today are wonderful. Keep Sewing.... that covers it....

  3. The wavy blocks are yummy. The fabrics are just wonderful! I will be looking forward to see how you put them in a top - block to block or with sashing?

  4. Sounds like you had a great day with family.
    Oh, yeah, how come you get rain and we're still dry, dry, dry here in mid-Missouri??!!!!

  5. Fun blocks! I am looking forward to this one developing!

  6. I like the red berries on the bush, we have them too. I have not been able to get into CSI since the change of characters a couple years ago, I have lost interest in it. I wish the same people were still on it.

  7. so good that you have family about. You and I were watching the same programs at the same time!

  8. I think you are too busy when you don't notice those bushes!! But I suppose that can't be helped ;)Your quilt blocks are wonderful - the finished quilt is sure to be amazing!

    oh - and I wish we had a season of the mentalist running now. Or Bones. Or CSI!

  9. Sounds like you had a good day, Wanda. You stay busier than most people I know. And my, what a lot of pretty things come out of your business!

  10. Beautiful blocks and fall influences.

  11. Your photo's are great as always.

    I think I know how you felt eating out twice in one day. Some days are like that. And all in all it is fun to catch up with family.

    Wavy seam quilt.... I wondered what it's name was. Of course you are adding fun squares to the mix.


  12. Whatever that plant is, I love the tones of red it's turning!
    I can't wait to see more of the wonky seam blocks put together -- there's something really appealing about that design.

  13. I think I want a "burning bush" for some fall color. My yard is so dead and drab looking, I may head down to the Nursery after work today as they are having an open house and big sale. Love the wavy seams.

  14. Burning bushes are so lovely this time of the year.

    Can't remember, did you reference a pattern for the "wavy" blocks...... looks like a fun pattern.

  15. It's always good to mix a little socializing into ones life. Those wavy seam blocks look great. And that invasive perennial is amazing. I love the fall colours, even if they are weeds.

  16. Hi Wanda,
    Those burning bush berries are usually too tiny to notice; you must have really zoomed in! I've seen bluebirds eating them as they travel through, so the birds know how to find them.

    I love those batiks in yesterday's post; reminds me of a box of Godiva dark chocolates; which one should I choose first? Yum!
    Take care.
    Vicky F

  17. Your burning bush plant is beautiful... those colors are very inspiring. Even your garden has Exuberant Colors!! =)


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