
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Another totally finished..........

I finally finished hand stitching the binding and then I washed this wallhanging.  I didn't do a very good job of basting and it got a little puckery in a couple places so I decided to pucker the whole thing.  It is hanging in my main level studio, an 11' x 15' room off the kitchen (behind the garage) in a ranch style house.  We put up that ugly paneling around 1984-5.  It is fake wood and was very popular at the time.  The only good thing about it is that I never need to paint that room.  This would be a family room if an ordinary family lived here.  We used it as a third bedroom when the kids still lived here.

Here is a view that shows the puckered look better.

Today I am going to start cleaning the house for Thanksgiving.  I'll do a little each day so it doesn't get boring.


  1. This is beautiful! I'm getting converted to the idea of wall hangings.

  2. It turned out just beautiful!! I so remember the paneling. Isn't it funny how things go in and out of style, and some things can be timeless?

  3. Now I know what I can do with my 2 1/2" batik strips :-) Lovely.

  4. Beautiful wall hanging! I love the puckers. I remember that wood paneling. We have some in a room we fixed up in the basement sometime during the 80s.

  5. Very pretty...the puckery look is perfect for this wall hanging. Yep, I've seen that paneling before in my MIL's family room. Definitely low maintenance!

  6. What time is Thanksgiving dinner???

  7. The puckering looks great! I would have thought you meant to do it from the start. I think I'm going to go ahead and put up some of my Christmas stuff. We hope to not be here for Thanksgiving. Our 7th grand is due in a few days!!!! Every time the phone rings I get excited!

  8. This piece turned out so beautiful! Now you are going to have to show us how you did the puckery look! I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week!

  9. It makes a beauftiful wall hanging. The colors are great.

    Have fun cleaning!

  10. Congrats on the finish (and covering up the paneling - we had some in our IN house, too).

  11. I'm a fan of the puckery look - I call it 'cozy-up scrunchy'. Sometimes I count on that 3-7% Warm 'N Natural shrinkage; it hides a multitude of sins!!

  12. Such a beautiful wall hanging! I am trying to negotiate a spot in our home (outside the sewing room) to hang a small(ish) quilt

  13. That is really beautiful, and I love how you've quilted it.

  14. The puckering adds to the quilt. I think if it was smooth and tailored it would not have the designer look to it.


  15. Hi Wanda
    I can see why you put that one on the wall to admire -- it's a beauty!
    Did you have any trouble (mentally) making puckers on purpose?
    Vicky F

  16. This is beautiful and I lvoe the puckers also. Sometimes perfect quilts do not get my attention and love as the ones that are not perfect. Are the dimensions and instructions anywhere on this site for this?
    Thanks for an awesome site!

  17. That turned out beautiful. I like the way you quilted it. Puckery is a nice for quilts, it seems to make them softer to me.

  18. I use those narrow strips 1 to 1 1/2 inches, sewn together end to end to crochet small rugs for in front of the door or tub. also make chair pads or rugs to stand on and save your feet while cutting. Sort by color and roll in balls to store till ready to use. Small ones wash easily in regular washer. Beck


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