
Thursday, October 7, 2010

A few strips sewn

I cut a few pieces of the gray and floral and sewed them.  I hope the ladies in my finishing class today will let me have a little design wall space.
Even though it looks like all the same floral in the picture above it is actually 2 different ones.  One of them has more background and more yellow in it.  I think that  once I get the zig zag laid out, it will be obvious but subtle.

I was going to try several more white with black fabrics yesterday but only got around to trying one.  I decided I needed to do some shopping because the rest of the week is taken up: finishing class today, work a half day tomorrow and a family reunion on Saturday.  The reunion is my dad's side of the family and Dad at 96 is the oldest person in the family.  He has a cousin who comes from California and she almost 92.  They are the last 2 left in that generation.  I am happy that Dad is willing to go to the reunion.  He hasn't left his apt. building for over 2 months.


  1. I like this white and black the best out of the three you've shown so far! And good for Dad willing to make the effort! It sounds like a fun time and I hope he, and you, of course, enjoy yourselves!

  2. Very neat how you played with these two florals. So brilliant of you. Glad Dad's going to the event. It's neat to see was sparks and motivates his delight.

  3. Ooo, Wanda. I love this fabric. I just ordered some from equilter recently. Also, the white on black. I assume that your planned layout for the blocks will not have so much background showing. If you do plan on a lot of background, maybe something with just a little more black would be better. I look forward to seeing what else you have to try out. You have some fantastic stash, Wanda! Thanks for the fun.

  4. sounds like you are quite busy. Family reunions can be fun, sad though when most of a generation are gone.

  5. Busy, busy! But you still manage to get some quilting time in. I really like the white/black fabric for the crumbs. If I had that in my stash I would use it. Have fun at the reunion. Glad your Dad feels up to going.

  6. I still like yesterday's white!

    Have a wonderful time at the reunion.

  7. I can't decide between the two lighter white and blacks but I definitely like the whites with black better. Family reunions are great but can be a bit bittersweet. At our last family reunion my dad cried at the end because he was the oldest and he knew it would be his last. That has haunted me for many years but it is always wonderful to get together with family.

  8. I seem to be the odd man (or quilter) out here :)
    I vote for the darkest black one. I think it really showcases the patches.

  9. This black and white print looks like "The Matrix" script. Funny. But it does make a striking background for those jewel-like blocks.

  10. I can't wait to see some of the florals and greys together -- that is going to be a very striking quilt.
    My aunt seemed quite introspective at her 90th -- she was the only one left of that generation in the family and I think it sort of got her down a bit.

  11. I hope you get some space on the design wall too - I want to see more of the black/white with the florals!

  12. Can't wait to see what you are going to do the with the florals and greys!


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