
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Computer update villains.............

I always do the Windows updates as soon as they are available and I've never had a problem before.  This time though, my Canon software won't work and I can't load any pictures into the computer.  I'll just have to share the pictures I already had loaded until I can solve the problem.  My burning bush is just starting to change color.
One lonely robin came into the yard Thursday.  He looks like he is staring me down.

Then he started looking around for his friends but they left days ago. 

I did some more cutting last night.  I am cutting for another quilt...........yes I know I just cut one and I haven't started it yet.  My art quilters' group is coming Monday and I have to have everything picked up so I figured I might as well cut some more while the fabrics are out.  I have to work today so I hope I can figure out the software problem tonight. 


  1. Scary when the updates screw up what is already there. The leaves are starting here to change. Have fun with the the new quilt and your group. Chris

  2. Golly, Wanda, your burning bush picture looks for all the world like a group of batiks I have stored away that I called "rhubarb" when I got them. My burning bushes are turning, too.

  3. Blasted computer problems!

    Pretty pretty bush and so enjoyable to see one lonely robin. ...imagining cutting. :)

  4. the updates knocked our mouse driver out, but we reinstalled it, hopefully if you give the computer some time it will find and reinstall the photo download drivers as well, good luck.
    Love your blog, Lynne

  5. The robin pictures are fabulous!!
    Hope your computer problem resolves itself without you having to do too much reloading of software!

  6. hope you get the computer problem solved soon - I always hate those things. I'm lucky my hubby is so good at computers he takes care of it all.

  7. I hate when an "update" breaks things.

    I don't use my camera software. I take the card out of the camera and put it in a card reader to take my pictures off.

  8. Uh-oh on the computer problem. Sorry I don't know anything that might help. Your robin pictures are amazing. Do you shoot with a DSLR? Karmen

  9. Your robin friend is beautiful.

    Sorry you're having computer issues. I think it's smart to get the cutting behind you -- that way you can sew like crazy!

  10. Oh my computer issues are such a bother! Wonderful photos though, thank you for sharing! Ah, such a good idea...get all the cutting done...and then only one mess to clear away! Happy stitching!

  11. Hate those computer problems. Hope you can figure it out. I have not seen a robin for several weeks. I think ours are gone.

  12. I did not realize how many posts I missed until tonight. It was fun catching up. To see the Catholic Church roll down the street to it's new home. I will have to send those photo's to a friend back in IL. According to her it was a Presbyterian Church before Catholic. Has quite a history.

    Your burning bush really shouts autumn is in Sandwich.

    I always wonder why a robin or humming bird lingers longer than the rest.


  13. Yikes, hopefully that will be better soon.


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