
Friday, September 17, 2010

Diamonds, trianges................

I cut a bunch of diamonds yesterday morning.  I took out most of the lightest ones and just the jewel tones up on the wall.  I'm still not sure where this project is going, just playing.............

I went to embroidery club in the afternoon and computer club at night.  To unwind from all of that socializing, I cut 3 more blocks for my triangle quilt but I only got one sewn together.  The parts are all made though.

I think this little spark of brightness is what was missing in this quilt.  I still have some more fabric combinations to choose.

My younger brother and his wife are going to be visiting all of us next week so I need to get the vacuum cleaner out.  They aren't staying with me so I don't have to move stuff out of the guest room.  I am a piler.  Give me a flat surface and I'll pile something on it!


  1. I stumbled across your blog through the Quilter Blogs website and I'm thrilled I did - your taste in colors is so very much like mine! Saturated, bright colors that just glow. :) Just wanted to say hello!

  2. Good to know that there is more than one piler around!! Love how you have progressed with the diamonds, they are fantastic!! All those HSTs are paying off!!

  3. I am a piler too! Maybe we should start a group: Pilers Anonymous. Ha ha

  4. Piling is a way of life. But I'll bet that YOUR piles have a rhyme and a reason! The 6" scared me for the Bento, so I took your advice and cut the center block 6.5. You are a genius!
    Love those batik diamonds!

  5. love the diamonds! Your other quilt is coming along really nicely as well.

  6. You are such a wonderful inspiration to me. Your quilts are always wonderful and you let us see the progress. This is my favorite blog.

  7. Your design walls look great -- wonderful display of colors.

  8. The diamonds look great. Especially like how the turquoise one seems to glow among all the dark jewel tones.

    The block with the cherries is perfect. Adds sparkle to a fantastic quilt. You are on a roll!
    As usual. :)

  9. I live with a house of pilers, myself included. Filing cabinets do not work for us! Love the diamonds. I am seriously considering building a stash of batiks so I can "play" like you. I love the shimmer effect these fabrics create. Love your triangles - is that the Birds in The Air block? Enjoy visiting. Glad you don't have to move your piles:)

  10. Those diamonds look like fun. Great choice for the triangle quilt. I love your work. Glad you didn't have to declutter the guest room. I'm a piler too so I know how much time it takes away from quilting when I have to move stuff.

  11. That triangle quilt is really looking fabulous. I do like that spark of brightness in the center.

    I, too, am a piler!

  12. I am a piler too! One of the things that's good about having someone clean my house is that I must remove some piles every two weeks so that she has surfaces to clean. Otherwise I'd probably look like a hoarder.

  13. Love the diamonds on your design wall -- so rich in colour!
    We're pilers too. I finally found a solution -- and that is to, after dinner, pick up whatever gets piled on a surface during the day and put it in its rightful place/toss/whatever.

  14. I have been enjoying catching up with your posts this morning. The photo's from the Fair are even more special because I can sit and study them as long as I want without getting pushed by the throngs of the crowd.

    Bento Box is stunning... Diamonds in jewel tones sparkle with excitement.


  15. I'm a piler, too, Wanda, that's why all the flat surfaces in my house are "lumpy". At least until I clean again. The diamonds are beautiful, even if that's not what you do with them. It's just energizing to look at them. And your newest triangle block is just stunning. I love those fabrics together. Enjoy your family time!

  16. Love the diamonds! They look like a bunch of jewels clustered together! Piles and quilting go together in my book. Piles of fabrics, threads, buttons, books, you name it I got it in my house! My sewing room looks like a tornado went through it - I need to get to it this weekend!
    Love the quilt you got going too. Looks fabulous from where I'm sitting!
    Have a great weekend and have fun visiting with your brother!

    Kay in Kansas

  17. I too am a piler. When the daughter and son-in-law come to visit I always have to find some place to move my piles as there are always multiples on the bed they use. Piling is just another way of filing! Your work, as usual, is gorgeous!

  18. I love the batik you used with the red flowers- very pretty combination-
    I have piles too- then I clean up the piles and I can't find some of the stuff when it is put away.
    Our Dining room table often has piles of stuff to clean off.
    Have fun playing with the diamonds- Enjoy your time with your brother and his family.

  19. I pile too, around my sewing machine especially. Trying to catch up, so already commented to the post above, but maybe you could throw some of those lighter triangles back in. Sometimes the darker ones can't shine without the contrast.


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