
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sewn together!!

It is sewn!  In less than a week!  I took this picture with a flash but the top half is lighter because of the overhead light.  It is MUCH prettier in person, not so spotty looking.  The largest squares are all different except for one repeat.  The medium size squares are mostly different with only about 3-4 fabrics used more than once.  The smallest squares are repeated a lot.  It is an awkward size at 54" x 87".  It really doesn't need to be much longer if it is a lap quilt but could use a little more width.  I will think on this one for a couple days and see if I want to invent my own 4th column to add to it.  In the book it has borders equaling 8" all around.

My next project: a friend purchased the Winding Ways die for her Accuquilt Studio cutter.  I gave her some money towards the cost of it if she would cut my fabrics.  I have 72 batiks chosen that I have to press and cut into 12" squares in stacks of 8 to deliver to her Thursday.  I'll take pictures of my selection in the next couple days.


  1. Oh i wish i could see it in real life... it looks amazing in the picture!!!

  2. It is just beautiful!! Love the size of it too. Nothing like quick and beautiful satisfaction. Can't wait to see your Winding Ways!

  3. Looks Great! Glad you can get the sewing done. Wish I could. Chris

  4. The quilt is burst of color...just a delight! Can hardly wait to see your fabrics & start on the Winding Ways quilt...full steam ahead!

  5. I like it -- so cheerful! I cannot wait to see the colours you choose for the Winding Ways. That is one of my favourites.

  6. Great quilt Wanda! Can't wait to see your Winding Ways quilt. I've always loved that pattern

  7. Very nice...looks like you have been working with the same type of prints as me lately! Can't wait to see the Winding ways also. I would love to have an accucut to cut one, but probably won't with a template. That is where I think those would come in handy....for strips and such I don't think I need one!

  8. It looks fabulous. I can't wait to see the Winding Ways. I love that pattern.

  9. Actually, I've made a couple of quilts in just that size, that I call "my side of the bed" quilts. I love that size !

    Back when hubby wasn't in a hospital bed and we shared a bed, he would always be hotter at night than me, so I had to come up with a quilt that covered just me.

    You've done a wonderful job on this one.

    Last night while working on my latest quilt top, I just kept thinking, "exuberant color", yes, that's exactly what this is ! I love that name !

  10. Oh, Wanda, it is BEAUTIFUL! It's hard to imagine how it could be any more perfect. And sewing is so theraputic, I can lose myself for hours at a time. Do you think it's because we can enforce the order we crave on our sewing, even though we cannot on real life?

  11. You inspired me Wanda! I started my own version on the weekend ONLY using fabrics I had in my stash. I will admit, this has been a design challenge to say the least. I don't have the selection of fabrics you do and most of mine are from many years ago. Time to use them up so this seemed like a good pattern. I'm almost finished sewing and will be posting on my blog once I return from vacation in September. Thank you for inspiring me!

  12. It's lovely--you made great progress. I ended up repeating the 1st column as a 4th column to make mine wider, and it worked fine. I am still laying out the borders (seems my golden retriever finds it fun to run across the quilt). But you've inspired me to get back to work on it--I look forward to seeing what you do next!

  13. I'm anxious to see what you decide on this grand quilt top you have just finished sewing... adding another column or border... you always keep me checking in.

    And 'oh WOW' ~ "Winding Ways"... your next project. That looks like a challenge to me.


  14. Very fun! I dig it. ...and the Winding Ways is going to be spectacular. Wow. ♥ *karendianne.

  15. I would love to see it in real life! I have seen some of those fabrics and I know the colours of this quilt would blow me over!

  16. I love winding ways, but the cutting has kept me from starting. Hmm, I might need to find someone with an Accuquilt.


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