
Monday, August 30, 2010

No sewing, just rest.............

This fellow has his mouth full of coneflower seeds.  The flowers are right outside my kitchen window so I have been able to get some decent pictures.

His mate joined him and had a good meal too.

And what kind of bird is this?  How did he get up there?  He was a regular visitor to my garage when I had the bird seed bags sitting on a table.  He even chewed the corner of the garage door off so he can get in and out without the door being opened.  Now I have the birdseed stowed in a cabinet that closes tightly and I haven't seen him in there lately.


  1. Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful photos!! Funny we had the same thing happen in our garage too. We learned quickly, like you, and locked up the seed.

  3. That is a rare "Flying Chipinski" bird in the third picture. They were trained to fly in Sarasota Florida by the Flying Wallendas. Ha ha.

  4. I get those little critters in my feeders too - I hang up in the tree with an inverted type of plastic over the top that is supposed to keep squirrels from getting the seed and sometimes they hang upside down trying to get the seed and sometimes succeed in knocking the whole thing off of the tree.

  5. Nice pictures! I'm always hanging around my kitchen trying to get good pictures. yesterday, I gott the Northern Flicker in my bird bath. Perhaps I'll get it upon my blog later.

  6. Your pictures are great. I love the shot of the chipmunk!!

  7. Love the pictures! We have a "bird" just like that little creature! They really ARE persistent!


  8. Great pictures, Wanda. I would say that is a very persistent little bird in that last picture.

  9. Ok, I want to know your secrets for such clear photos. I love them and so enjoy looking out your window with you....a mini vacation right here in my kitchen.


  10. Gorgeous Birds, love the wee squirrel even though he is pesky.

  11. I always enjoy your photo's of who is in your back yard.

    Our summer is over and the mountain chickadees have returned to the valley. They go to the higher elevations during the summer months. We too have the finches all summer some stay through out the winter. Your little chipmunk's cousins are at my feeder too.


  12. I, too, enjoy watching the birds. I have a young cardinal outside my sewing room window now enjoying some seed from the feeder, along with a sparrow. I really funny looking young blue jay just left. So much better than television!

  13. Love your photos, Wanda. Thanks for pointing out the seeds in the first bird's mouth. I wouldn't have noticed that detail. Great camera and very steady hands!

  14. Hi Wanda,
    Ditto, your photos are great. I haven't caught the finches picking seed from my coneflowers, but someone has been after them.

    Also, maybe it's a chipmunk who has been whittling away at our garage door framing. We have never caught him or her, just fresh chew marks weekly.

    Take care.
    Vicky F

  15. I love your photos. Thanks for sharing

  16. Those little varmints! The chippies will run by my open garage all day long but never go in. Don't know why, they just don't. We keep our seed in a metal trash can on the porch, no problems. Saw a RAT in the garden on Saturday though--we think attracted to the seed. Caught him in a keep-alive trap that night and DISPOSED of him toute de suite!

  17. I also store my seed in a small metal trash can and it is in a spot by a tree, so I hardly notice it at all and it is so easy to refill the feeder.

    I used to store seed in the garage, but a couple of field mice located the seed, chewed through the bag and then found a way into the house, when I was out of town. They stashed the seed in a wide variety of places - top shelves of closets, underneath seat cushions, etc. I found about 40 stashes all around the house. I found a couple areas in closets where there was a gap between the wall and the frame - promptly duct taped! I was successful in catching the critters - only after I superglued the cheese to the trap.


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