
Thursday, July 1, 2010

More sewing and mowing............

Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday.  I got the other half of the lawn mowed in 3 sessions of 15 minutes each. 
I cut a few of the strip sets into blocks for the twisted rail.  It is pretty easy to see the light color twisting but the dark one will be tweaked as I get more blocks cut and sewn.

My third quilt with the rectangle blocks will be in Kaffe fabrics.  I sewed 2 sets of fabrics last night but was too tired to even turn the iron on.


  1. Sometimes you just need to sleep, Wanda. You are such a busy lady.

  2. I definitely agree with Maria, sometimes sleep prevails.

  3. Sectioning the lawn is a great way to conquer it.

  4. Interesting - you just gave me a great idea for what to do with my string blocks that have been accumulating. Gotta Go!

    Hugs - Marie

  5. The Kaffe fabrics look great whether they are ironed or not. Glad you listened to your body and left the iron unplugged.

  6. I can imagine how tired you were. Being out in the yard working really can take the energy right out of you. I guess you can count your blessings that you live in an area where you have no yardwork in the winter months.

  7. Maybe you already mentioned this Wanda, and if so, sorry for asking, but what size are the rectangles cut?

  8. Love that twisted rail. I'm going to have to try that block.
    Seeing your Kaffe fabrics makes me so jealous. I've been looking for Floating Flowers in yellow for a while and thought I'd found some. But, it was the Fans instead. guess I'll keep looking.

  9. I can't wait to see this in the Kaffe fabrics!
    Hope you get some rest this weekend.


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