
Friday, May 28, 2010

No sewing, garden tour

Evening Primrose, first blooms this year.

Coral Bell close up.

First coreopsis bloom.  I have a lot of volunteer plants from the natural reseeding.
The red penstemon has these tiny little flowers on tall stems.  I had to ask the wind to stop blowing so I could get a good close up.  I didn't sew at all during the day, just petted some fabric and did some cutting.  I'll have some more layouts on the 2 QOV projects to show tomorrow.  I haven't planted my porch pots yet either.  I usually do them right after Mother's Day.  I'm planning on shopping for plants today.


  1. Your flowers look lovely. Mine are not blooming yet. It has been extremely hot here for the past few days, so I still have a lot of planting to do. I think I will do some plant shopping today too.

  2. I admire your Primrose. I haven't ever been able to raise them. Havew fun with the plants. Chris

  3. I can't decide which I like better, the quilt pictures or the flower pictures, you will just have to keep 'em both coming so I can make up my mind! Have a great weekend.

  4. Wow, my primrose are barely up yet! Your garden flowers are looking gorgeous. I just noticed that one of my white peonies bloomed overnight! I am so excited!

  5. Great floral photos! I feel a bit behind on my planting of annual flowers. I potted up my lettuce, tomato, & peppers, in big patio tubs. But I need to do flowers for my hanging baskets yet. I'll have to shop this weekend.

  6. The richness of the color of the stem on the red penstemon makes these a double delight.

  7. my coral bells have no blossoms this year :( Some of my plants are in too deep of shade it seems. I well have to rethink one of my beds.

  8. Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  9. Very creative and thought-provoking photos. Your garden is delightful. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    Hugs - Marie

  10. Great pictures, I love evening primrose.

  11. I didn't know evening primrose came in yellow! All the ones around here are pink. And I don't think I've known anyone to grow them either -- they just appear everywhere it seems -- I do love them though!

  12. Ah, late spring: the many colors and variety of flowers. You just can't help feeling good.

  13. You may not have been sewing, but you were still playing with colors and that's what matters!

    Happy plant shopping ... so many choices!

  14. Your garden is looking very lovely, but I especially love the Coreopsis! I used to have many of them in my old yard and they were the most prolific and beautiful bloomers! Have a wonderful Memorial Day Wanda!!

  15. Your photo's of your garden blooms are as breath taking as your quilts.


  16. OOOHHHHH...beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing these Wanda...I have had workers at my house for the past 2 weeks....and they have
    tramples EVERYTHING in my flower
    beds....I discovered some broken
    branches on one of my red rose bushes that was starting to bloom!
    I'm not real happy wih them about that either!!!
    So you enjoy yours EXTRA for me OK?

  17. Hi Wanda,
    You sure have a lot of pretty perennials in your garden. Color everywhere you look!
    Vicky F

  18. Such lovely photos of blooms from your yard. When I was in the Southwest, I was intrigued with the Primrose; it was more than 10 years ago, but I seem to recall that it does not remain open all day. I recall being thrilled to find them in the open state.

  19. Beautiful photos of your garden flowers!!


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