
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Almost there, 6 more seams and a few repairs..........

I finished adding all of the rows in the one direction and now have 5 cross rows sewn, 6 to go. I pinned it up on the design wall so I could get a better look at the points where they need to match.

I have a few mismatches like this one that I will pick out and try again.  Every other seam is points matching, the one between is the center of the squares on point.  I really thought I would finish this yesterday, but I was pretty worn out. 

Dad fell yesterday morning while picking up the phone when I called to tell him I was on my way to pick him up for a blood test.  He is OK.  Last night when I went back over I moved his phone to the nearest corner of the desk as he approaches it.  He always had it on the far corner and when he put a hand on the rolling chair and reached for the phone he fell.  He kept looking at the spot I had moved it to and couldn't figure out how he was going to answer it when it wasn't on the other corner.  His logic is gone, but he's in no worse shape than most of the other residents of his building.  When I go back today to take him to the Dr. office I bet he will have the phone moved back in the unreachable spot.

A few more buds have opened on the peony bush.  It is a deeper burgandy red than this but it never photographs that way. 


  1. The quilt top is coming along nicely! Actually, beautiful!! The peony is gorgeous. Just buds here, hopefully they will open soon. Glad to hear your dad is okay after the fall. Hopefully, he will keep his phone in the place that you have moved it to so as to prevent any further falls.

  2. We become creatures of habit. Hope he is ok. The blocks all sewn together really make a statement. But don't you just hate it when the points and seams don't match. Take care Chris

  3. It looks wonderful. It always amazes me when such different colors and patterns can actually flow together to create a beautiful piece of work. Glad your Dad is fine...hang in there.

  4. The quilt looks great. You sound like me - I always think I can get more done in my head than what my body can do! Glad your dad is ok.

  5. Your quilt looks great. You are a lot more fussy with your points than I am. Hopefully, your dad leaves the phone where it is but we are all creatures of habit and even more so as we age...

  6. Your quilt looks wonderful. Falls are scary. My brother has been telling my mother to get up and walk so she has been trying all week to get up without help. It is too dangerous to me. My friends mother is in the hospital from 2 falls last weekend. Good luck

  7. I have to tell you, I couldn't make out what needed to be ripped because of the movement in the fabric but I know that it would drive me/you crazy just knowing it wasn't pointy.... ;-}
    Glad your dad didn't get hurt. As for moving things...I tried that with my mom to make things more accessible....don't even try to figure them out, just roll with the punches.....LOL.
    Take care.

  8. Sorry about your dad.

    I solved my problem of forced match ups by using elmers washable school glue .... works everytime.

  9. So pleased Dad is okay. Did you leave the phone where you put it?? Hope so.

    Your quilt id looking great.

  10. That is one gorgeous flower! Peonies won't grow this far south, so I enjoy seeing yours. Your quilt is coming along nicely. You have a LOT of patience!

    It IS so frightening when a parent has a fall, even if there are no ill effects. My mom recently had knee replacement surgery and fell shortly afterward - slipped out of the wheel chair and under the bed!

  11. the quilt top is looking so great.

  12. I'm with you ... the phone will almost certainly go back "where it belongs" ... continuity and order are more important than convenience in the minds of our aging parents...

    LOVELY colors in your post today!

  13. My mother used to put the phone receiver back on the cradle backwards so that the phone never really "hung up". She couldn't hear the beeping. Then my sister & I would call, get continual busy signals and have to drive over to check to see if she had fallen or if it was just the cradle issue. again. very frustrating. Rather than move the phone, is there any way to make it easier to reach, like using a smaller table?

  14. Your quilt looks fabulous!!
    Glad your dad didn't hurt himself and hope he leaves the phone where you positioned it, although ...
    What a gorgeous colour of peony!! Another week or two and I'll start haunting the florist to see if any are available yet.

  15. My camera, too, tries to do its best to come as close to the true color as possible. But sometimes it gives up when flowers have very strong colors, especially reds.

  16. Hope your dad suffers no ill effects from his fall.
    Your quilt is beautiful - the colors are rich and you have such a great eye for getting the right contrast.

    I love the peony - I have not seen one quite that deep red.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Hi Wanda,
    Your quilt is coming along great. I sure don't see much to rip out, but if it bothers you, go for it.

    Have you thought of getting your dad a chair by the phone that isn't on rollers? Just a thought. Then it would be a stable item to keep him steady (because you know that phone is going back to the "right" spot).
    Your peony is gorgeous!
    Take care.
    Vicky F

  18. This looks great! It just occurred to me that this quilt has been the inspiration for one of the quilts I'm working on right now. I've been making triangle blocks and first thought about windmills, but am now going to do light and dark blocks like this - green and brown batiks. Waiting for the baby shower before blogging about it though.


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