
Friday, April 16, 2010

Wiped out!

One student in the Bento Box class used browns and greens.  I didn't get a picture later when she had more on the wall.  Actually I thought I took more pictures than I did.

Another studend had blues and yellows and it was really pretty.  She had more blocks up later and I missed taking a picture of that too.  Another student had pretty pinks and purples, another had batiks and Kaffe's, and I had cut the kit of Kaffe fabrics for one student.  Class was from 10-4:30 and that is a really looooooong day.  I was standing almost the entire time cutting, pressing and ripping for the students.  Then I had computer club to go to at night.  I was really wiped out. (showing my age I guess)


  1. That is such a cool pattern. I know you are a great teacher too.

  2. That is a long day for anyone! You earned a good rest. Love your students work. I hope you enjoy your day today!

  3. what? You rip out the mistakes for the students? You are a dream teacher!

  4. That is a VERY long day. Being on your feet all that time is draining. Hope you have a wonderful day today!

  5. I love the bento box pattern. I have two batiks that I purchased to make a two fabric version. That's normally not my thing, but with batiks it's like getting multiple fabrics in one, so I think I will like it. Just need to get it cut out and start sewing.

  6. Your students' work looks great. I love the Bento Box pattern. Will there be more classes? I would love to see more photos! It certainly was a long day for you! I doubt if I could do it.

  7. I love this simple pattern. I'm doing a guild project in blue and yellow for the program next month - how funny.

  8. Love what you bring back to share with us and you know, I was thinking just yesterday how much you mean to people. Like Daphanie meant to me, you mean so much in the way you inspire, give and teach to others. You're the mentor's Mentor! Just want you to know how much I dig that about you, Wanda.

  9. The two pieces shown today, certainly shows what a great teacher you are. I agree with all of the above, who state your supreme talent as a teacher, you really are the BEST Wanda.

    Whew ~ Thursday was indeed a very long day. Then you came home and set up your post for today.


  10. As with the others I agree that you are a very good teacher. We all benefit from what you show us online here, and I wish I could take a few classes with you in person. Thanks for sharing your student's work. Standing in one place can make for a long day. I am on my feet all day, but I am moving from place to place. There is a difference. Love the photos. Maybe you'll have some time for yourself for a couple of days! Thanks Wanda.

  11. Thank you for the show and tell. Lucky students to have such a great tutor.


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