
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Still cutting and playing with triangles

I moved the triangles for the zig zag quilt over to my double design wall and cut some more fabrics yesterday.  I turned the picture because I think the design should go across the quilt.  I am only a little over half done with my cutting so I could make this bigger than I had planned.  I guess I'll just keep working on it and it will tell me when it is done.

I want to thank everyone for your good wishes and prayers for my dad (and me).  Even though he has had a rough week, he walked into the nursing home by himself with his walker and he does almost everything for himself.  He just needs someone to tell him what to do. I am fortunate to have a dad who has been so healthy all of his life, still has his hearing and his own teeth. 


  1. The quilt is looking fantastic! I agree, the zig zag looks like it should be going across the quilt. So glad to hear that things are looking up for your dad. I know you must be exhausted too.

  2. Wanda, I am loving the play of colors through this quilt. As usual it will be "wanda-ful" when you are done. (((grin)))

    Glad to hear your dad is doing well.

  3. the quilt is looking great!

  4. His own teeth...hahahaha. I would be happy about that too. I want this quilt already.

  5. Very pretty quilt. I love all the different fabrics coming together.

  6. You amaze me with how much you get done. I love this one too beautiful.

  7. Glad to hear that our dad is like the Energizer Bunny! Bless both of you... and I'm still praying.

  8. God bless and keep both you and your dad! Take care.

  9. Sounds like your Dad is accepting this new chapter in his life. Oh how I admire his grit to do so.

    Sending my wishes that all will go well for him.

    It is your selection of colorful fabrics that always makes me smile. This horizontal zig-zag is another explosion of "exuberant color"


  10. Hang in there Wanda!! You are so good at making lemonade when you are handed the lemons!! ;) Keeping you and yours in my prayers. Gail Norback

  11. Wanda-ful (borrowed from Gene) you can indulge in some quilt therapy. Your triangles look great!

    Be thankful your dad still has his hearing and his own teeth. We should all be so lucky when we get to his age.

    Wish for smoother times ahead for both of you.

  12. Your triangles are fabulous -- it is such a cheerful quilt. Glad your dad is making progress.

  13. I'm so happy for you that your dad is doing better. That can be so worrying and stressful.

  14. Hi Wanda,
    That zig-zag quilt is looking so yummy! I recognize the individual fabrics when the photo is enlarged, but it is the overall impression that sparkles!

    You are also fortunate that your dad realizes that he needs extra help and is going along with it.

    Vicky F

  15. Thank you for continuing to post throughout your stressful times and share your colorful "work". Happy to hear your Dad is managing well.
    I continue to pray for the both of you as you come to mind.

  16. I'm so glad your dad is doing better. That must take a lot of worry off your shoulders. I love your zigzag quilt too. Would it be too forward of me to ask if you'd be willing to sell it?

  17. Your triangles look amazing! Glad to hear that your Dad is doing most things for himself. It's good to stay as independent as possible - good for morale and self esteem. Having his own teeth is a bonus. My mother is in a nursing home and about a month ago they 'misplaced' her dentures. So now she is without teeth and no one seems to even care, except my Mom, who now doesn't want to talk, smile or eat.

  18. The quilt is looking great and it's great to hear your dad is feeling better and you are able to get some sewing time.

  19. As always, I enjoy watching you play.
    An overflowing bundle of positive, positive thoughts sent your way re: your father.

  20. I think its so nice your father is able to be so independent. My grandmother was fortunate too- she was nearly 87 when she died - She drove her car right until the week she passed away and lived in the same farm house she had for 67 years. You may find my post about my grandparents interesting - My grandfather would have been 100 today. You can find it here:
    My grandfather had all his teeth too-it was something he was very proud about.
    Love the new quilt..


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