
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring is here! and zig zag sewn together

Finally I have some flowers blooming.  There aren't very many buds yet but I think half of them are a different variety that blooms a little later.

Sound the trumpets, and drum roll please!  I finished sewing the zig zag top together and did the staystitching around the outside edge.  It is a charm quilt which means only one piece of each fabric, 308 of them, all Kaffe Fassett prints.  It measures 62" x 78.5".

I'm way behind in my goal of quilting 4 quilts a month but I guess March was pretty much a wash with my Dad's problems and my sore hip joint.  I have been pain free for 2 days now and Dad will be moved back to his apartment tomorrow so I hope to catch up soon.


  1. Isn't wonderful to see those spring flowers Wanda. The zigzag quilt looks great.

    Please remember that the goals we set for ourselves are really only guide lines to work with and when life happens we need to be flexible as well as look after ourselves otherwise the joys we get from quilting soon will turn into a chore. There are more months to come and I'm sure that you will get your 4 quilts done in those months. As the old expresion goes "take time to smell the flowers".

  2. You are way ahead of us in the daffodil arena! No blooms yet here, still stalks. Your zig zag quilt is just gorgeous!! Even though you didn't get your quilting goal complete, you new top is finished and both you and your Dad are feeling better. That really is a lot!

  3. Beautiful and no guilt on your previous goal. Priorities. You are a good daughter.

  4. Love the colors on your zigzag quilt! Making one is on my to-do list. Spring flowers are a welcome sight around here-it's been a cold winter!!

  5. Your zigzags look amazing. Glad to hear you are feeling better and that your Dad will be home soon. You can always do eight finishes next month. LOL I'm just kidding of course. I think you are the fastest and most prolific quilter I know. Your daffodills certainly are a sign of spring. Nothing like that is blooming yet in my garden. You are so lucky!

  6. Fantastic quilt! Good for you!

    So happy to see the flowers are way ahead of us. We (MN) might hit 70 this afternoon - a first - I'll be doing my happy dance and taking a looonnnnnggg walk.

  7. Yay for you! Beautiful, beautiful quilt top. And flowers. Always a smile-maker!

  8. Congrats on another amazing finish ... no stress over the quilt 4 this month issue because we all know your family and your health are waaaaaaaay more important.

    Glad you are taking time to smell the flowers!

  9. The zig-zag quilt top is just gorgeous Wanda! So much work, especially as it's a charm quilt! Glad to hear you're feeling better and your dad gets to go home. Life is always interesting, isn't it?

  10. I took that same picture yesterday. I love your quilt!

  11. Your daffodils are gorgeous!!! I am just preparing my new garden beds to plant my bulbs. I am hoping for some nice spring flowering too.

    ON YA!!! For getting your quilt top together ,looks great.

    Pleased your hip is feeling better and that Dad is well enough to move back into the apartment.

  12. Sometimes life takes precedent over fun. Glad that the hip is feeling better.

    The quilt is just gorgeous. It is such a nice size too.

  13. I agree with the others - no guilt! The zig zags look great, as do the daffodils. Glad your Dad and your hip are improving.Our daffodils here in the UK beat yours by only a week or so; wonderful to see them all.

  14. Applause, applause!!! Your work always amazes me, 308 different Kaffe fabrics and so much intricate sewing. Glad you Dad gets to go home and thanks for sharing the daffodils!
    Happy Quilting,

  15. I have so enjoyed watching the progress on the fabulous zig zag. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Congratulations!! The zig-zag quilt is stunning!!
    How nice to see flowers growing already! We're a ways off on that yet -- think I'll buy a hyacinth at the store today just for that heavenly scent!

  17. What a great post today, springtime blooms, and your beautiful, exuberant colorful, zig-zag takes my breath away. Adding this one to my favorites ~

    Wishing well with moving your Dad back to his apartment.


  18. Great post today, with your springtime blossoms, and beautiful, exuberant colorful zig-zag creation. Every time I see it, it takes my breath away. It has been added to my long list of favorites, that you have designed.

    Wishing you well with your Dad's move back to his apartment.


  19. One great quilt is better than 4 rushed to just hit the number. What a great charm quilt. What do you do with your quilts? Sell? Give away? Fold and admire?

  20. Oh, how nice to see the daffodils and the zigzag top. Your work never fails to make me smile. I'm with the others on the goal thing. Mine are more open-ended... like "finish this sucker." (grin)
    I'm glad to hear that your Dad is doing better and your pain is leaving you. April will be lovely!

  21. I still can't believe there are that many Kaffe fabrics! It looks great. Here's to a stronger April!

  22. Your zigzag quilt is gorgeous. I just love all the depth and texture. Very yummy!
    I hope you and your dad will enjoy a healthy April. Take care.

  23. You've made a beautiful quilt. And while managing your Dad and your hip problem too. I'm giving you multiple gold stars!

    You must have an amazing collection of fabrics to have 308 just Kaffe prints.

  24. Hi Wanda, Love the zigzag quilt!!Really an outstanding
    one! Daffodils are beautiful! I have a few blooming,too.Glad your Dad is wellenough to go back to his appt.jmh

  25. Mmmmm, I LOVE that zig zag quilt. BEAUTIFUL and the colors are SCRUMPTIOUS! Glad to hear your dad's headin' back to his own place.

  26. Wanda, what a happy post! Spring, a finished top (which is LOVELY!) and you and your dad are doing better. Here's to hoping for more sunshine for you!

  27. Hi Wanda,
    Our daffodils aren't open yet, just the crocuses (croci?) With the next few days being in the 70's I'm sure they'll pop right open, though.

    Hopefully things will get a little more stable so you can have fun doing what you want.
    Vicky F

  28. Ta da! That's a big quilt, so I think it buys you some extra time -- plus, you get brownie points for taking care of family too. I agree with the others that you are extremely prolific. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done on all fronts!

  29. Last year I was completing 3-4 projects a month. This year I have had to really work to get one a month done. But I also know that I have been pulled in other directions this year. I feel like I am not accomplishing enough but in reality, I have just slowed down for a while. Pretty soon I will be more focused in the studio: looking forward to it.

  30. The zigzag quilt turned out well..very pretty. I like the dutch wax batiks too, don't think I have heard of them, though they look similiar to some batiks we had at the store awhile back. They were that deep blue too, with some bluish bleeding in the light spots.


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