
Thursday, March 25, 2010

I have down days too.

Yesterday I didn't feel like doing anything.  I ran a couple errands and delivered my Dad's clean clothes.  I have had a sore hip joint for about 5 weeks that was getting a lot better and I twisted it yesterday morning.  It hurts to sit in my sewing machine chair but I was OK in a recliner reading.  Last night I trimmed some of the little bits that I am making and found out they were big enough to trim at 2.5" instead of 2".  There were a couple that ended up 2" so I have 2 projects started instead of one.


  1. These little blocks are lovely. Do hope your hip feels better soon and you can get back to youe sewing machine.

  2. I hope that your hip feels better soon. That is such a bummer when you are on the mend and then something happens to set you back. The little block are just gorgeous!

  3. The weather doesn't help the hip either I am sure. I know it doesn't for me. I put my ironing board on the other side of the room to get some exercise while sewing. The Blocks are really colorful. Oh those Golden Years. LOL Chris

  4. Hope your rest helped. We all need those days.

  5. So sorry about your hip. I know how frustrating that can be. Take care.

  6. We all have those down days now and then. I hope your hip is feeling better and you are feeling your old self soon!

  7. Love the way you did your blocks. I just got back from a workshop with Gwen Marston and she loves this technique. I had a down day yesterday. I visited my mother in the morning and she was so angry she would not eat her breakfast. Neither the caregiver or I could figure out what she was angry about and she would not talk to either one of us. Getting old is so hard.

  8. I hope you feel better soon although this damp, rainy weather isn't helping much, is it?

    I kije the little blocks and can't wait to see what you do with them.

    Take good care of yourself, Wanda. Take it easy and pampaer yourself for a while.

  9. well by taking a days break I'm sure you were running ideas in your head and now you will be fresh full of ideas when you start back. Hope the hip gets better soon-something I am always dealing with so understand.

  10. Your little pieced squares are so cute!!! I am looking forward to seeing your progress but take care of that hip and give it some rest. I twisted my knee this week either gardening or working on my design wall (I will blame gardening since I wasnt on a ladder doing that) My workroom is in our garage apartment so I have to go up a full flight of stairs to sew. Not so easy yesterday, today I might stay downstairs!

  11. We all need those days to just give our bodies a chance to regroup. Hope your hip is feeling better today. Love seeing those little blocks! Makes me want to try it...

  12. Hope the hip feels better soon. You even accomplihed things on your down day.

  13. You need a hot bubble bath and a cup of tea. Karmen

  14. I can't even imagine how many batik scraps you have. Those little blocks are so cute. They look addicting, too. Don't feel bad about a down day, just cuddle up with some of your pretty stuff you made on a productive day :).

  15. Your little pieces always makes a big impact of joyous color.

    You have my sincere sympathy dealing with your sore hip. My Mom always told me in the spring and fall is when our bodies seem to change along with the seasonal environment changes. Sometimes these old 'wives tales' feel all too true. And yet stress has much to do with our physical health also. Sending you get well wishes.


  16. Some days you just need to sit !!!

    Hope your hip is feeling better.
    Hugz Maria

  17. Now that's a good example of "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade"! Life is all about choices, and when we choose to make the best of things, it's just better. Hope today's a better day for you. We have a beautiful one here!

  18. I'm glad that you are human! Seriously, a sore hip isn't much fun. Hopefully some rest will help and you will be feeling fine again soon. Prayers...

  19. Do you go to a chiropractor? Or is it arthritis? I hope you get some relief.

    If youa re bored with those little bits, I'll happily take them off your hands! ;)

  20. I do hope you get some relief from that hip pain soon. I know how pain like that can be draining.
    Love your little blocks and can't wait to see what you'll do with them.

  21. Some days are like that. Hope the rest helped. Pain like that is so difficult to deal with. Hope your hip is better soon. I love your little blocks. I am glad you told us what size they are. It is hard to imagine small blocks like that. I am sure they will look terrific one day.

  22. Good grief - 2.5 inches?????? yikes that is small...


  23. Hugs to your own self be true.

  24. I am writing this from my bed where I went this afternoon with a stomach ache. I think you were smart to retreat to your recliner and let your hip rest. And, you have had a lot on your plate lately so rest is probably called for.

  25. Everyone is entitled to rest and relax - sorry to hear about your hip- I hope that it is soon healed so you are able to sit comfortably at the sewing machine. You have been one busy lady lately with lots of family commitments- your dad is lucky to have you. You are lucky to have your dad with you too.
    Your little blocks look great.
    I did find some Kaffe fabrics- Hancocks at Paducah had free shipping if you bought 100 dollars internationally- it was a bit steep but not too bad especially when you include the savings on shipping costs. I got a set of fat quarters so it was a good place to start- they also had some Paula Nadelstern fabrics that I had been wishing for so it was my spring treat to me.
    Hope today was a nicer day for you.
    Happy quilting and reading. The snow was melting today and sun was bright- that always improves ones spirit.

  26. Bless your heart with that sore hip...hope you get to feeling better soon!
    Love your project...very exuberant!!!!

  27. Take it easy, you've got a lot going on with your dad right now. Play when it feels fun, don't stress yourself out. Take care!


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