
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Finally sewing rows

I had an almost pain free day yesterday so I finished sewing blocks and started sewing rows on the zig zag quilt.  I have 7 of the 14 rows sewn so far.

We're back in cold weather again right now but next week it is supposed to be 60-70 degrees for a lot of the days.  I can't wait.  I'm tired of my winter coat.


  1. So glad you are feeling better and able to sew at the machine.

  2. Yes! I too am tired of wearing a coat. I want to go walking in my short sleeves and feel the sun on my bare skin.

  3. Have a day of sunshine here in NE Ohio. Glad your hip is better. Can't wait to see the finished top!

  4. we will be warm one day and cool the next. Right now they say close to 80 on Thursday I will believe it when I see it.

  5. Glad you got some machine time pain free. That is a commodity that isn't always available in this day and age, especially for me. After running the vac some today I will see the machine also. I have run all week long and I need some quiet time for me. Take care of the pain levels. Chris

  6. Glad you could be back sitting at the machine today. Maybe short visits to the sewing machine for awhile? I know, what a drag. We had 68 degrees yesterday and woke up this morning to a frost that looks like snow - in North Carolina, can you believe it (and not in the mountains).

  7. Glad you are feeling better! I am looking forward to a sewing day today as well. I don't know how long I will last but anything more than 1 hours will be heaven!

  8. Glad you were able to do some sewing yesterday. We had sunshine yesterday and it looked beautiful outside, but the temperature never got above the freezing point. I had to wear my winter coat, but like you, I am getting tired of it!

  9. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I love that zig-zag quilt, especially the way you added the crumb-pieced row. Those colors are wonderful too.

  10. Yay! Progress is a happy thing. It just makes you feel better all over to accomplish something, or at least it doesl me.

  11. I'm glad you're feeling better and able to work again. We're having cold weather also and tonight is my DD's prom and she's not too happy.

  12. I am glad that you gave us a comparison on Friday. I enjoyed seeing the tiny squares along with the zig-zag piece. Your tiny squares always amazes me.

    I can see we will another peek at your zig-zag all rows sewn soon.

    Wishing you a happy weekend.


  13. Glad your hip seams to be giving you some relief...seize the moment!! SEW and SEW and SEW some more...we are anxious to see!!
    Warmer weather here, but the wind is blowing a gale....

  14. So glad you are feeling a bit better and found time to sew! I know what you mean about the weather, I can't wait until this bone-chilling cold is gone for the season.

  15. Pleased your back is feeling much better and you can sew again.

    I am ready to wear a coat as I am over the hot weather.We seem to be having a long summer.The GOOD thing is I still go for my swim each morning.

  16. Glad you were able to sit and sew. Our weather forecast is the same -- really warm by mid-week. I can't wait. Time to wash the winter stuff and put it away.

  17. I hope you are at least getting some sunshine. It sort of makes the cold tolerable.

  18. Glad you are able to get back to sewing; looks like you have made good progress already. It is still cold here in the UK too, with the odd sunny day to make us long for more soon.

  19. It does not seem fair for our bodies to let us down. Living with pain makes me very grumpy.
    We are asking ourselves why summer keeps intruding on our Autumn. It is very humid and far too hot!
    I am so ready for my winter coat!

  20. Glad you are sewing. Maybe when your weather warms up you will feel better. It works for me. It was 80 degrees here today and I felt better.

  21. It's not so much my coat that I'm tired of, but the dullness of winter. We have had a particularly damp and cloudy winter, which doesn't do much for the soul. Thank goodness spring is on its way.


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