
Monday, February 22, 2010

Lots more triangles

You can probably see that I got more fabric cut and I started placing some of the duplicates up on the wall for the outer rows.  I still have 21 fabrics to cut but I think I will cut 30 and maybe replace some of the pieces that are too plain looking.  I like a busy quilt so I want a lot of busy prints in it.  When choosing the duplicates so that the repeats don't end up near each other, they have to be on the other side of the center line the first time.  All of the loose pieces on the left side of the board were used on the right half of the quilt.  I was hoping I would be done cutting yesterday because I'm itching to sew this one.

The snow started at 4:30 yesterday and it is very wet and heavy.  We only had about an inch at 11:30 p.m. but it was still snowing tiny little flakes when I went to bed.


  1. You are up early. We got about 4 inches here. I need to get out after it gets light and get it removed. I took your lead and started on my scraps. I cut a huge amount of 1 3/4 inch squares and another ice cream bucket of 2 1/2inch squares all day long yesterday. Not nearly done yet, but at least I was productive. Many bags and boxes of scraps are gone now. Aren't Scraps fun?? Chris

  2. The quilt is growing and looks fantastic!! This is the phase that I just love, the "play" stage. You can really get creative here. Love it!! We are going to get your snow tomorrow. I am really ready for spring.

  3. This quilt you are working on is so beautiful. All the colors work so well together.

  4. you are proof that the early bird gets the worm, or, in your case, the QUILT! I'm loving what is appearing on your nice design board. Also, many thanks for your lovely comment regarding being alone. I do appreciate it so very much! Good reminder - there are all kinds of WORSE things in life!
    This scrappy quilt of yours makes me want to ditch work and get busy on finishing my 'H' piece!

  5. It's really building into a beautiful quilt. (the snow missed us...went north!)

  6. I love to watch your progress on the triangles! And thanks for the weather report. We always seem to get your weather a day later than you do, so I know it's coming - probably in a couple of hours.

  7. that is going to look just great I love seeing this process.

  8. It's looking good. I always lay out before sewing, too, and go a little nuts at the thought of just thinking about light/dark with no thought to anything else, like repetition of fabrics.
    Hope you don't get too much snow.

  9. This is going to be wonderful, as it already looks now. I cringe though at the thought of sewing all those half square triangles. I really prefer to sew mine with a foundation.

  10. You know, I love busy quilts too, yet I've never really made one. Mine seem to be more structured (boring), using a only a handful of coordinating fabrics. You inspire me to use my stash and step out of my box! Thanks!

  11. Love the way your quilt is looking. Did you end up with very much snow? We missed the snow in SW Iowa. It went farther south than we are.

  12. This quilt is looking fabulous, can't wait to see it finished!
    You must have quite a stash to use so many different fabrics!
    Happy quilting!

    Kay in Kansas

  13. Your new look to your blog (font and photo's) REALLY shows off your new creation. This one is awesome !


  14. Wow - I love being able to see your design process. I'm totally amazed at your ability to see how the printed fabrics will look together!

    And thanks for the tip on enabling my email through my profile. Done!

  15. As I've said many times, HST are great to work with and make stunning quilts.....Love it!

  16. Love to see how this is growing. You are very fortunate to have space for such a large design wall.

  17. I so 'heart' triangles...don't you!
    And I also sooo 'heart' my design
    wall...your quilt is shaping up nicely!!

  18. That is some careful planning!
    Just wanted to let you know that the fabric that looks like an orange/grapefruit is reading dark to me, not sure how it looks to you.

  19. You're really good at explaining your planning and organizing. That seems to come easily to you? or do you find you have to put some real though into how you're going to create?

  20. Another beautiful and colorful quilt. I think I will just copy and paste my comments because every time I seem to say the same thing. I love your choices and your ideas.

  21. I love hearing about your process. I'm itching to see you sew this together too.


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