
Monday, February 15, 2010

More cutting, new project

I did some more cutting and a lot of relaxing yesterday. Elaine mentioned in her comment that it would take so long to choose the fabric for a quilt like this. Actually for this one it is easy. I'm using all Kaffe fabrics and will add Philip Jacobs and Martha Negley fabrics too. But, it can be made with any random group of fabric that is all the same flavor (no kid prints in with Civil War repros, etc). All is takes is a pile of lighter and a pile of darker fabrics. It is all about value and not about color or print. It can be made with plaids, Civil War repros, floral fabrics, just anything as long as there are 2 groups of value.I was itching to sew something too so I got out the box of 2" strips (not batik) and cut 2 groups for Sharyn Craig's half log cabin blocks. I took her class back in the late 1980's and have made several quilts with her method. She has just published an updated book on the method and I found it on sale so I purchased it. I will try to keep the fabrics neutral enough that this could be a man quilt.
This is basically the same block that I just made with all of my scraps (the zig zag quilt) and I call it quarter log cabin and she calls it half log cabin. Her method places each fabric in a different position in the blocks as you assemble it so none of the blocks look alike. This one is precision sewing compared to my loose liberated scrap one. I like to do both kinds of sewing.


  1. So true, the first one is definitely about value. And it looks like you have plenty of the darks and lights to fill the bill! Your quarter logs are also a value type quilt. It looks great. I have to say that precision quilting is mostly what I do, but liberated sewing is very freeing.

  2. I love both of these -- particularly the quarter log cabin. It's very very effective!!

  3. As soon as I get texture nailed down I'm thinking value is next. I do have problems with it. I have a very old scrap bin with some of these blocks started. I must check it out. Yours is bigger triangles and way more to my liking.

  4. I've wanted to do a quilt like that for a long while. Yours will be beautiful in all those gorgeous Fassett fabrics.

  5. I took Sharon's half log cabin at Vermont QF in the early 90s. Lots of fun. Have to look for that new book. I've started an H block quilt in bright batiks. I'm going to throw lights in there too for contrast. My last name is Holt, so I need to make this quilt! It may end up going to college with my daughter.

  6. Absolutely lovely - as usual. Following your blog has inspired me to use bright colours for my 3rd quilt

    I am still new at quilting but lookin at the lovely combinations you use which don't 'match' makes me itch to have a go!

  7. You are teaching me to get out of my monotone rut and get into the excitement of "your" exuberant color. (^._,^)


  8. You do such a great job with values. I find it hard to squint, use a reverse magnifier, etc. because I still see the patterns and colors... but I'm thinking that one of these days my failing eyesight will actually be helpful! LOL.

  9. Both quilts are looking favorite is the half square triangle one.....I love half squares.

  10. Both quilts are lovely. I have made several quilts using the half log cabin block. I like it because it is so simple, yet so effective.

  11. You design first then cut and sew on those values triangles? I've got one underway myself, but I'm cutting squares, pairing them up to sew two sets of triangles, them playing with layout. I'm enjoying the challenge. Well, I was. Project is on hold for now.

  12. Why is it that every time I go on your blog I fall in love? These are more beautiful pieces!

  13. I really like the color plays, darks and lights. Your quilts are lovely. I enjoy your blog!

  14. I always feel inspired when visiting your blog!

  15. Wanda,do you even know what the term 'relaxing' means?!!!!! LOL You are a FORCE!

  16. Oooh... I like the triangles.

    My philosophy about fabrics is that the more you use the less they have to match. Of course it does help to use the same 'flavor' as you say, all batiks, all funky florals, pastel calicos whatever... which is why it's important to have a well established stash. ;)

  17. i've been working with some half square triangles too. it's really fun to play with value...both of these are wonderful examples.


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