
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cutting strip kits

I forgot to put kits on my to-do list yesterday.  I am teaching a class today and a student wanted me to cut her a kit.  I did a kid kit and an adult kit because I wasn't sure what she wanted.

Below are the clean up cuts from all my cutting this week.  I will use them for another quilt like this one.

Can you see the cardinal looking at the squirrels?  He is questioning when it will be his turn, since they are bird feeders.  There were 8 squirrels out there at noon.

I made some final adjustments on my triangle layout and will start sewing it today when I get home from class.  I think I made too ambitious of a list yesterday, and since Feb. is a short month I think I'll give myself a break and use the first 3 days in March to finish up February's quota.


  1. That looks like a great assortment of strips. I have to say that cardinal is giving those squirrels a look of contempt.

  2. Our cardinals do the same thing. I keep hoping my dog will chase away the squirrels but she doesn't want to get her paws wet!

  3. Those strips look great. Wish I was in your class. I am glad you are giving yourself a break. March will be a good time to finish your list of things to do. I love your cardinal photo! Sometimes I wish the squirrels would just go away, but then my cats remind me of how much fun it is for them to watch them scurry around. Then I just go outside and throw them a handful of peanuts, so the cardinals and chickadees can come to the feeder.

  4. I would love both the kits Wanda. How lucky your student is.

    Just think your pics of the snow,squirrels and cardials are just gorgeous. We had 42 deg celsius today so your cool photos are great.

  5. I am getting way too many squirrels around our place. They are getting so brave that they are up on the porch at times and go scattering when I open the door.

  6. Lucky student -- what a great kit!!
    The cardinal photo is fabulous -- that wonderful splash of colour!

  7. Now there is a tub that I could soak in ;-)

  8. Oh that sounds so wonderful Wanda - for you to cut me a kit and then I could take a class from you!! If I lived a little closer, I would so be there!! Love the cardinal watching the squirrels!

  9. Those left overs always inspire another great quilt. Love the finished layout of the triangles. Someone gave my church group multiple stacks of squares of various colors. They are calling out to be cut into triangles. Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. Yeah! Those leftovers will be perfect for a zig zag and what a great photo of the cardinal. Those darn squirrels. Not very good at sharing!

  11. What a gorgeous bird.. the cardinal! We don't have many pretty birds in NZ .. the Tui would be the most colourful I guess. I love your strippy quilts.. what a neat idea for scraps. I should start saving them now.

  12. What a gorgeous bright splash of colour the cardinal makes. We don't have anything so bright in the UK, although the robins are lovely.


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