
Monday, December 21, 2009

A little bit more done

I did the vacuuming and made 2 batches of Chex mix yesterday so it wasn't a total wash. I hung a few more ornaments and pulled out the strands of lights that I place over the fireplace and through some shelves. I don't put up a tree any more. I have very little company at this time of year and just one party that lasts a few hours. I have all of my Christmas table runners out on display too. I've shown them in previous years. Last night I looked through the 2 latest issues of Studios. I find a lot of good ideas for storage and display in them.


  1. Wanda, you are always so productive! Congratulations on that!

    I am hoping to get my projects finished in time for giving them.

  2. I agree Gene, you are very productive. Tons done. Yes, there are many great ideas from the studios magazine. Just wish I had some of those large spaces too.

  3. I've never heard of that magazine. I'm definitely going to have to check it out!

    Laura in AZ

  4. Sometimes I wonder why I bother with a tree as we to do not have many visitors - but I enjoy it so will keep putting it up for awhile. We do not have visitors either - mainly just on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day

  5. Hi Wanda,
    We are sparse in the Christmas decorating too. We do just enough for holiday ambiance with a 2 foot table top tree and some lights here and there. I also have a collection of stuffed moose that I put on the stair rungs heading up, they'll stay all winter. I love the texture in your curved Christmas quilt... just beautiful! How are the blooms coming on with the cactus ?? Happy Winter Solstice day!

  6. Mmmmmm Chex Mix! I have to try a gluten free version for myself sometime. Mom is making the real stuff for Chris.

  7. Hi Wanda,
    I love the Christmas quilt. Makes me want to get in my quilt room and start one myself but cleaner and Christmas prep await me. Where did you get the Studio magazine? I have read about it but haven't seen one.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and wonderful new year full of blogging and quilting and good health. Thanks again for all you have shared with us.


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