
Saturday, November 28, 2009

A quilting day!

I spent most of the day sewing! My reward for cleaning the house earlier in the week. I showed this table runner top a few weeks ago but never got around to quilting it. I did parallel lines about 3/8" apart crosswise on it.Here is a closer view. The lines are not "perfect" because I am not a perfect person. I like things with their subtle imperfections that look they have been made by a human being. Actually I like wonky even better than that. It took and hour and 5 minutes to do the lines in one direction. Now I think I would like it to be crosshatched so I image I have at least another hour of quilting to go.
Earlier in the day I was sewing my H quilt together and I found this piece of fabric (on the left) wrong side up. I finished sewing all of the other rows together and then came back and picked out that piece and sewed it back in right side up.
I promise this is the last picture of "H- I give it 5 Stars". This is the top all sewn together. I did interchange 2 blocks this morning when I looked at and then said "Enough! Sew it".
I sewed a few rows on another quilt too so I feel like I have accomplished a lot. Now I have to start cleaning the basement for my art quilters' group that is coming on Monday.
It was great to have leftovers to reheat. I don't usually take time to cook myself a good meal in the middle of the day. My mother never liked to eat the same thing twice in one week. I on the other hand, will eat the same thing several days in a row, especially when I can just reheat it and be back to the sewing machine quickly.


  1. The quilting is just perfect for this table runner. Love the wonkiness. Sometimes simple is all you need. Leftovers are great especially when they are Thanksgiving leftovers. Here is to reheat great food!

  2. I have to admit that I had my doubts about the "H - I give it 5 Stars" quilt, but it turned out beautifully! The five stars make it so much more interesting than if it had been all "H's" I'm going to have to try the quilting parallel lines on something small like you did on the table runner - looks really nice. I only have a few leftovers to go, so they will be dinner tonight :)

  3. Was pleased to see you like wonky as I am good at wonky.
    Would love to see H + Stars when you quilt it please.
    Like you I can do the same food days in a row.

  4. I loved reading that you are not a perfectionist. I am fond of reminding people that this is a HOBBY! It's supposed to be FUN! I try my best to be as accurate as I can be and I try really hard to be more accurate with every quilt I make. But, at the end of the day, the only thing that counts is how the quilt makes you feel in your gut when you walk in the room and glance at it for the first time. Of course, the MOST important thing is the fun you have making it.

    Great H-quilt and really cute table runner, Wanda- you have a special eye for color and composition.

  5. I love the runner just as it is and don't know what would improve with the crosswise quilting. Love your H quilt! Love, love it! Karmen

  6. It sounds like it was a perfect day for you....sewing and a ready dinner.

    Don't you hate it when you find you sewed a piece in backwards??? Grrrr.

    I like the idea of the line quilting. It's perfect for that table runner.

  7. I will look at H and compliment you on it as many more times as you want to show it. Hummm...still have to quilt it and whatever other magic you decide to work on it.

  8. Hi Wanda,
    Love that table runner. The very dense quilting is great. Which batting do you use for the runners? Thermore? Warm and Natural?

    I plan for leftovers, but can only eat them 3 times in a row. Then something in my head says "enough, I need some variety!"
    Vicky F

  9. I would much rather eat something left-over if it means having more time in my sewing room and less time in the kitchen! "H" is looking good. Can't wait to see it quilted. The table runner looks great!

  10. Love that H quilt...the Kaffe fabrics just make it sing. Ditto another poster...would love to see it again after you quilt it. Also wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog...thanks for sharing all of your quilting with us!

  11. "Sourkraut is such a treat
    if you take a good reheat."
    A very rough translation from Wilhelm Busch, the inventor of Max & Moritz. And it is true, there are some things that get even better when reheated. My chicken power soup is one of them. And sourkraut, when done with some sugar and apples, never tastes perfect on the first day.
    Your quilt is exiting. And your "outing" on deliberate imperfection is wonderful. Encouraging! Perfection is not out of reach, but out of the desired look. I love this statement.

  12. Widow Bolte, bless her soul,
    Goes downstairs and takes a bowl,
    And she scoops a portion out
    Of her cherished sauerkraut
    Which she deems to taste sublime
    Heated up the second time.

    Better translation!

  13. I loved watching the development of your H quilt. The 5 stars idea is a awesome finish. Bravo! I'll be interested to see the quilting too.

  14. If you feel that stitching cross hatch on the table runner will make it better then it will. Your creativity always makes me smile.

    I had to enlarge 'H' quilt to try and find the one you had to rip out and restitch. I enlarged it twice... those fabrics are like jewels.


  15. Love the wonky quilting lines, which are perfect with these blocks. Your H quilt with the stars looks fabulous:amazing color scheme.

    I just got a peak of your toothpick holder below! Hilarious!

    I'm with you on a quick and easy meal. I had leftovers at lunch!

  16. Leftover rock! I love the table runner and the H.

  17. Your tablerunner is terrific love the quilting. Your H quilt is gorgeous. You are very inspiring. Wonderful work

  18. What a clever idea for the name of your "H" quilt! It will truly be a unique and beautiful quilt. We are enjoying our Thanksgiving leftovers. I'm with you--reheat and get back to sewing.

  19. I love the quilt, and it's name. As for left-overs, I'm definitely with you there.

  20. I hope you do show the H quilt again! It is, I think, quite wonderful! The addition of the stars is briiliant!

  21. The stars make the perfect addition to the quilt - and I think it's worth every one!

  22. i adore the tablerunner quilt and your quilting on it and your quilt top is stunning

  23. Really pretty. I love the stars here and there...they pop out!


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