
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving !!!

I didn't do anything picture worth yesterday and I couldn't stand the idea of a post with no picture, so as I was getting everything ready last night I refilled the toothpick holder and thought AHA, my picture for my blog! In the 1970's we had a very active art league in our little town and one of the ladies made quirky and original pottery. This is one of my favorite pieces made by her. She moved away many years ago so I lost touch with her but I think of her every time I look at this. I hope you all have a wonderful day filled with family and/or friends and make new memories to cherish for years.

Our gathering although small went well today. It was great to have the family all together.


  1. That's cute. Hannah

  2. I understand about blog posts without pictures. I'm glad you shared something goofy with us. And toothpicks are perfect for today! Karmen

  3. cute!
    we had a good time with our daughter's and hope you had a good time with yours.

  4. Love your little toothpick holder! How cute! Good to hear your get together went well. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Thanks for the immediate laugh when the picture popped up....Happy Thanksgiving..

  6. Very cute. It would be interesting to know where she is now.

  7. Great little toothpick holder! I am glad you had a wonderful day. Ours was nice as well.

  8. Glad your day went well. Our Thanksgiving is in October, but some Canucks celebrate both - good reason for two feasts, and we should be thankful always!

    I was worried when I didn't see a post from you this morning around 10 my time, so glad you posted, and your toothpick holder is hilarious!

  9. What a great image! Thanks for the laugh!

  10. The toothpick holder is fabulous -- made me laugh the minute I saw the picture!

  11. That is one funny tooth pick holder. . Maybe you can run your friend down via Facebook or that Twitter thing. Seems thats where all the young kids are 'hooking up' with long lost friends and class mates. I wish your friend knew about your blog I know she would be impressed.

    We too had a nice Thanksgiving dinner but we had way too much food and the clean upwas way too long. We ate at 2:oo p.m. and just finishing up it is now almost 9 p.m.


  12. I hope you've had a lovely Thanksgiving.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Enjoy your time with family. And that's a great shot of the toothpick holder - very clever!

  14. He reminds me of one of the Muppets. They always have made me laugh! Sarah

  15. To me, the holder looks like Elmo!

  16. What a great piece of pottery! Thanks for sharing it!

  17. I was out of town visiting my daughters last week and so am just catching up. I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving -- LOVE that toothpick holder photo! And your H quilt looks spectacular with those stars.


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