
Friday, November 6, 2009

14 blocks finished

I had to put this up on a double design wall because it is 64" square already. The one in the book is 96" square. Since that isn't large enough for a king bed, but the wrong shape for a queen bed I may just make 24 blocks for a 64" x 96" top that I can add a border to and it will be perfect for a twin bed. I added the yellow/orange spools print into the light side for a little warmth amongst the cool greens.
I taught a finishing class yesterday with 6 students with a wide variety of projects. One lady brought the pieces below which we played with until we were happy with a design. She had started making 9 patches (top left and bottom right) but decided she didn't like them and changed to 4 patches. She had already cut some green rectangles to fill in but wasn't happy with any layout she tried. I think it turned out pretty neat and she was happy with it too.
I wasn't quick enough to get pictures of 3 others before they were taken off the design wall to sew together. They asked for a finishing class every month so we have set one up for the first week in Dec.
I rarely go to my blog to read the comments because I get them automatically in my email. When I posted this one I glanced at the number of comments yesterday I realized I had only received about half of them in my email. I usually try to reply to the ones with email addresses so I really missed a bunch today. I'm wondering if this is a Google problem or my email server.
Several people mentioned the fabric choices and how hard it is to throw things together in a block that don't seem to go together, but the one thing that is most important is not color or print but what value it is. If you have 2 distinct values you will have success with log cabin. That is one of the reasons that log cabin is such a good scrap quilt, dividing all of your fabrics into 2 values and throwing out the prints that are high constrast with both light and dark in them because they don't fit on either side.


  1. So as if my "quilting to do in this lifetime" list wasn't long enough, you have inspired me to add yet another one. I think that Kaffe Fassett log cabin is just gorgeous and it is a "must do" for me now!

  2. I love the splash of warmth that adds to the top quilt.

    You sent me running to check for unmoderated comments on my blog. Apparently I got them all.

  3. Wanda, you are amazing. I love everything you do! I wish Arizona was closer to Illinois because I'd love, love,love to join your finishing class! Thanks for sharing so much with the rest of us.

  4. Now I want to make one of these!!! Will you stop already??? just kidding, I love seeing what you are up to. I just have so many things I want to make it about gives me a headache. Plus work sort of gets in the way of my fun time lately.

  5. Put me on the list to make one too! Everything you do is terrific.

  6. This is absolutely beautiful and I love the darker center surrounded by the light . I will have to think about my stash of KF"s. I know it isn't as big as yours.
    Is your Christmas cactus blooming yet ? Mine is just opening up and full of blossoms.

  7. A week or so ago I heard another blogger mention that she hadn't received all her comments in email, so I guess you are not the only one. I hope the problem gets fixed soon.
    A finishing class is a great idea -- it really helps to get input when you're stuck!

  8. I always get all of my comments through e mail also but when I go in to write a new post I see if there are any comments that the moderator caught that should have gotten through or in some cases should have went to spam.
    I love the log cabin!

  9. Yet again, I'm glad I arrived today. Always good to read and discuss value. I love that Log Cabin (and the other as well - turned out great!)

  10. You never cease to amaze me how much sewing you can get done in a day. Maybe if i did not go to the gym and then swimming after which I cleaned the house. I may also get more sewing done.LOL

    I love yu blocksand the added colours look really great.

  11. How do you work it so that your blog comments go to your email. I would love that feature. Of course, I guess I would still need to check my blog, as well.
    Your quilt blocks are gorgeous beyond words that I know to describe them. The colors are amazing together.

  12. I really like this. I'm going to put a log cabin on my list to do. Hannah

  13. I love watching your mind at work. The log cabin is amazing!

  14. KF and Log Cabin
    you've really done it this time! ! !
    Love, love it ! ! !

  15. Julia, who just left a comment. If you go into settings and click on the comment tab, way down at the bottom you can enter the email address you want the comments sent to. You also need to go into Edit Profile and put a checkmark in front of show my email, and Save if you want us to reach you after you leave comments.

  16. You recieved a lot of comments early on a Friday morning. Well it is early where I live.

    Love this new piece you are working on. Every layout is great.

    Last night when I visited your blog the photo's came in half way and bottom half was missing. Maybe it was the blog system messing up your e-mails and the photo's ? ? ? Today total photo is shown.


  17. Hi Wanda, Thanks for the great fabric,color choice
    lesson,I'm still learning! jmh

  18. You certainly give inspiration to making another log cabin quilt. Yours is going to be absolutely beautiful.


  19. Wow! That is true inspiration. I love it,


  20. I'm forcing myself to make this scrappy log cabin, I just posted a few pics of the blocks. I'm sure it's going to look great when it's done, and it is definitely scrappy. And not a planned scrappy.It's hard to step out of my matchy matchy comfort zone!

  21. Wow, I might suggest to our local club to have a class on design. What a neat idea to bring along a project that isn't going right and get ideas. The yellow quilt looks gorgeous. I have only this year begun to 'throw it together' and not fuss about colours.... value is more important and it seems to work.. sometimes haha. Love the log cabin..

  22. That layout really sings!!!! Love the fussy cut flowers for the centres, too.
    Yes, stick with the 24 blocks but make the border semi log cabin on the sides so the second light square will appear. That light square is most impressive, well done that girl!!!

  23. Up until now, I've never seen a log cabin quilt I've wanted to make. That just changed. I love the look of this with the Kaffe prints!!!

  24. I love your log cabin blocks! And your student's work is great too. Amazing what a few strategically places blocks will do for a quilt.

  25. Thanks for the pointers on how value is so important to the fabric choices in the log cabin block... I have been unsure of what fabrics to use to start one and will pay close attention to values. I LOVE your Kaffe cabin blocks, they really pop out and are beautiful!

  26. Just wondering - do you foundation piece your log cabin blocks? Or are you just "that good" with cutting, measuring, and a scant 1/4inch seam? :-)


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There is an EMAIL address on my right sidebar if you have a question and you do not have a link.