
Thursday, October 8, 2009

More layouts and a discovery

I wanted to try the zig zag going horizontally since I have only done it vertically so far with all of the layouts. If I used this one I would have it end with the pink and purple pointing up at the right end instead of down on both ends.Then I tried this layout mixing the light diamonds and dark diamonds randomly. Then I noticed something wrong. Now if you have never made this pattern you wouldn't be able to spot it. I only knew because I have made so many sets of these blocks over the years.
When you are cutting your blocks you have to be consistent, same color on the bottom every time, diagonal in the same direction each time. If you look at the picture below, I have the green on the right side of the blocks with pink, and on the left side of the block with purple. All of purple ones are the same so I will have no problem with them and all of the pink ones are the same. It is just the 2 groups that are opposites.
Some layouts will work, the one above doesn't because the green switches positions. The zig zag is OK and the one below is interesting. Now I think my playtime is finished with them and I have to make a decision. You know what that means. They will go in a box while I contemplate. The next classes are on the 17th and 24th so I will be playing with them again then. They may make 2 different quilts, grape, and watermelon.


  1. These are all so striking. The first one is great but I'm so partial to square in a square.

  2. They are all beautiful. I like the 3D one and the last one the best. I don't think it matters that the green changes position in the 3D one, the effect is still there. And I just like the pattern in the last is random-looking but organized at the same time.

  3. Your blocks are amazing! I think the zig zag setting is my favorite.

  4. Wonderful colours and layouts, but I still like the vertikal zig-zag from yesterday better!

  5. Yep!!! I like the verical the best too.

  6. I like the last layout the best. It reminds me of a meandering walk in the forest and the surprises you can find if you look closely enough. I especially love all the shades of green in this.

    I hope you make a decision soon so we can see what you've decided will be the final layout. I'm rooting for that last one.

  7. I am really liking the zig zag layout. But I've been checking out zig zag quilts and I think I'm partial to them right now. Thanks for showing the Disappearing 9 Patch versions. I was curious about the number of fabrics you used as well.

  8. That last layout is amazing! Is it yours or another one suggested in the book?

  9. I really like the last layout on this post -- and the zig-zag.
    Whichever way you go with this, the resultant quilt or quilts will be gorgeous!

  10. I like the last layout too, mainly because it isn't as predictable as the others. My eyes keep looking!

  11. I love looking at all your layouts! I don't know if I can pick a favourite. They are all so nice! Whatever you decide will be stunning, I'm sure!

  12. I just found your blog today and WOW - what a perfect name for your blog - the quilts you make are all fabulous and look great in a variety of settings! Looks like you have found a block that works up quickly and is very stunning! I just love the star settings ;)

    I've added you to my Google Reader so I can stay up to date with you. Love from Texas! ~bonnie

  13. I just love the boxes of pink and green. So many possibilities - so little time!!

    Do you think we'll live long enough to do our stash?????

  14. Such fun to see so many patterns designed from those blocks.

    Each design is unique. The last one is exciting for me.



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