
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Frosty morning

There was a heavy frost on the front yard and garden yesterday morning but the backyard is more protected with trees so nothing got nipped there. At least it wasn't snow like Nebraska and Minnesota have had already.As you can see by the selvage, this fabric that was in the group a couple days ago is frost or snow on the edge of the leaves. I have always loved the colors in this fabric.

The reunion was small this year but we had a lot of fun. My dad enjoyed himself since he was kind of the center of attention for a good part of the time. His relatives were really glad to see him.
I'm sorry for the confusion yesterday about my journal page. I mentioned journal covers also but this one is a journal quilt, not a journal cover. Here is the link to the site about journal quilts which inspired me.


  1. Lucky you! we had about 5" of snow, though it was beautiful...the fluffy kind. Most of it melted during the day so I didn't get any pix..I was in too big of a hurry to get to class yesterday morning.

  2. Hi Wanda,
    Nice sedum shot.
    Our garden got zapped last night. It is somewhat protected but it just got too cold (it's just 41 F right now).
    I remember admiring the snowy leaf fabric a few years back but I don't think any made it into my stash.
    Vicky F

  3. Ooh, that fabric is fantastic!! Love it. Can just imagine what one could do with a little fussy cutting with that!
    We're supposed to get frost tonight. Fall is most definitely here.

  4. SNOW??? Oh yukk. Please could you keep it on your side of the Atlantic?

    That fabric is gorgeous, it's got all my favourite colours in. I can't wait to see what you turn it into. Oh, and if your inspiration fails on that, you could just send it to me. (giggle)

  5. Great that your father was well for the reunion. I love your journal pages.

  6. Love your photo of frosty morning. Gives a dusting of elegance to those flowers.

    And the leaf fabric is one of my favorite pieces you have shown us.



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