
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A good time was had by all

The class went well and everyone is excited to play with their block layouts next Tues. Notice the different angles of the 3-D by rotating the block in the last group.We had time to try the flying geese layout. One student moved to the Sat. class in Oct. and one left early so I only got pictures of 3 students' work.
I have the other half of the purple strips left and think I will use a bright green with them.

Here is one more picture of Mr. Finch posing for me. I would think that would hurt his feet to stand on those sharp seeds.
Today I need to tackle the dump-all bedroom. I have kept the guest bedroom nice and neat and it is mine that is a pit. It isn't a fun job but it has to be done.


  1. Love these strip quilts. By the way, I think I have the same bedroom!

  2. The bird photo is great! From which distance did you catch this one? And was it from inside the window?

  3. The blocks are looking good! The pics of the finch are adorable too.

  4. Love the results from the class. Really different, but beautiful. That finch is just so pretty. Good luck with the bedroom, I don't envy you.

  5. I love the purple and greens together. I'd like to give that pattern a try sometime. Are all the strip cut the same width?

    Why is it that our bedrooms are always the last "to clean" on the list when we have a good project in the works?

  6. Looks like a fun class. I love your purple with the bright green!
    Mr. Finch is adorable too.

  7. Those purple and green strips make my heart sing . . .

  8. You had me swooning at the green and purples you are planning!!!!!

  9. That is the best bird picture so far! Love the way the background works.

  10. Enjoyed seeing your students work. Were they impressed with all the layout they could acheive with this block. I was that is for sure.

    Purple and greens are glorious, and I'm anxious to see them stitched together.

    And your finch photo... I just love small birds and song birds. I had to take down my feeders for several days because mr. black bear paid us a visit, damaging one feeder. He was just hungry for the sunflower seeds. My birds still came often and I felt bad to have disappointed them. They are back up just today, and I hope mr. black bear will stay away.


  11. Hi Wanda,
    Looks like your students had fun playing with the blocks.
    Do you do a "choosing your fabrics" session during the class as well? Sometimes I find it's good to bring way more than you need to class in case inspiration strikes or you learn a tip or two during class.
    Vicky F

  12. It's so interesting to see the different colours and layouts! I love the purples and greens.

  13. Love the bird photo. Your photographs are nicely captured

  14. I love the pink and aqua. I can't wait to see your purple and green. I will buy the book. Thank you for answering.

  15. I really enjoy your blog. The finch photos are incredible. Thank you for sharing so much!

  16. I love that these blocks have so many different layouts. It looks like a lot of fun.

  17. Nunca ví coisas tão belas, seus trabalhos são únicos, as cores maravilhosas, seu jardim é lindo....enfim, passo horas em seu blog.
    Foi um grande achado em minha vida, muito inspirador.
    Com carinho, Aure.


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