
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Progress made on the beaded curtain a/k/a argyle............
I did add one more row of the argyle pattern at the bottom so there are 3 across and 4 from top to bottom. I chose the fill in fabric and got it cut too. It isn't white but it still has the effect of white fabric.
It is a pale creamy yellow fabric with spatters and a little bit of lavender for the blocks that filled in the middle part. I didn't have enough to use the same fabric all the way through the quilt. This picture looks grainy but the fabric doesn't.
This is the same fabric line only this one is pale yellow with a little pink in the background and the spatters. I used this one all around the outside edge of the quilt.
This is how far I got. All of the rows on the top left are sewn. 3 of the rows are just squares hanging onto the flannel board and floor, and the bottom right corner rows are sewn.
This is the remaining 4 rows clipped together and waiting to be sewn, so 7 rows to go and I am done sewing one way. I can't sew the rows together until I pick the fabric for the setting triangles at the edges.The guys working on my chimney will be back again tomorrow morning to finish up. They are coming at 6:30 to try to beat the heat. It was really humid yesterday until late afternoon.
Today is 9 patch day on my list. I am meeting a friend for lunch, taking my dad to the Dr. late in the afternoon and taking Dad out to eat at night so I hope I can make a little progress on the quilt. My goal is to sew 3 sets of strips and make the 9 patches from them. I don't have a big design wall free yet for designing so that will wait for next week.


  1. I have a hard time keeping track of all your work! Fabulous colours as always.
    I noted some of your books you have read and would recommend Rober Crais as a great read and of course Harlen Cobin...both wonderful writers...

  2. Fantastic progress! I love the way that you organized the rows by clipping them. I tend to be that way as well, organized when sewing the rows. You really have to be. Enjoy your dinner with your dad!

  3. I love that quilt. I have made one something like that awhile back but the design didn't stand out so much. It was a baby quilt and do not have it to look at now. I never use to take photo's of all my quilts like I do now.

  4. Lovely progress on the argyle quilt. Do you have any favorite lines or companies to check when you want white or almost white fabrics? I've been disappointed so often with see-through choices and little body. Frustrating!
    Enjoy your day.

  5. Love this quilt....and it does sort of look like argyle! Much prettier though. Your use of color is wonderful.

  6. Okay, so it isn't Tuesday anymore, but where are you leaning for the corner edge triangles?

  7. This one is really coming along. I'm also interested in finding pale colored fabric that is not see-through. Any tips?

  8. Moment of complete honesty here ~ this particular quilt doesn't sing to me like so many of your's do ... but that's okay!

    I love using binder clips instead of safety pins - no holes and less finger pricks!

    Good luck with the dr. appt. and have fun at dinner!

  9. I think I like "argyle" for the name of this piece too ... it has such a tailored presentation ... Which is what I love about it.

    Both choices of your creamy yellow are so perfect.


  10. WOW, teh new angle really made me take a second look at this quilt. I also appreciated the colse-up as I did not realize that this was not a 100% batik quilt! I think those are Kaffe dots. :o)

  11. Wow..I can't even begin to think about how you work on this! It is so...wiggly!!! It is beautiful though and so detailed the pieces are so small. You are amazing...everything lines up and is straight and perfect!


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