
Monday, August 17, 2009

Free day

Sunday is a day off from my project list, on which I can work on any project, start a new one, or just relax. I decided to relax and make some more strip pieced fabric from my clean up cuts. They are explained here.

I really don't NEED any more since I have this whole pile of them that I haven't used yet. But where does need fit into this anyway? I am driven to play with color.
Here is my daily list, revised.
Monday: Border day (I have at least 6 quilts waiting for their borders, including Rosebud)
Tuesday: Beaded curtain variation (I need to choose the fabric for the setting triangles, cut it and sew them on)
Wednesday: Vanilla 9 patch (I have 12 of 20 rows sewn together, 8 to go and then the cross seams)
Thursday: Basting or binding day
Friday: A flannel quilt started about 8-10 years ago (no I haven't shown this one yet)
Saturday: Since Rosebud moved to border day, I can choose another UFO for this day.


  1. I like the idea of a daily list too. In my case, I write and teach so words and lesson prep have to be part of it, sometimes pushing quilting aside, because they have deadlines and quilting does not. However, this does tend to help me avoid procrastination so I can get at my sewing machine.

    My daughter was over yesterday for a rare time of sewing together. At one point she remarked, "We have a method to our madness" and I laughed in total agreement.

    Thanks again for sharing your methods... and have a great week with your list!!

  2. I think your daily list idea is almost a must for me! I seem to go flying off in so many directions that I need some order to my chaos! :-)

    You play with colour and I practically drool over the pictures. They are so gorgeous and cheerful!

  3. I don't do a daily list but I do make myself a list of things I want to work on during the week/month. I don't think I'm disciplined enough for a daily list yet

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  4. I make lists of quilt projects I want to do for the month, but lately that hasn't helped.
    My quilt room has looked like a bomb went off in it these past few months, making it hard to work on anything.
    Last Friday I went to a garage sale and found a free-standing wicker shelf with 4 shelves in it for $5! After I got that puppy home - I got busy and reorganized my sewing room. Actually it took me most of the weekend to organize the room just the way I wanted it.
    Tonight I'm going to start my quilting up again.
    Thanks for all your lovely photos of your quilts. I get so many great ideas after reading your blog. Now maybe I'll get some things made!
    Happy quilting!:)

    Kay in KS

  5. Hi Wanda,
    I love to see when you play with color. It inspires me to start stitching some of the random bits I have saved. Who knows what might appear?
    Vicky F

  6. The strips are wonderful and full of color. I love that technique. I wish I was as organized as you in planning out your week. It sounds like a busy week ahead, I am looking forward to seeing the results.

  7. I like these wonderful colorful piles you have going on here!!!I wonder what yumminess will transpire from them!
    Oh, how I envy your progress through your UFO pile! I keep getting sidetracked and delayed with mine!! But reading this inspires me to get back on track sooner rather than later!

  8. I have tried to make list but somehow I just lose the list and forget about it. I am also a starter and bounce around a lot. Sometimes I find it amazing that I get anything done..... Love you stripes.

  9. I for one am so happy that you are driven to play with color. Such wonderful pieces that you stitched together.

    And your 'stash' of completed blocks I know will be in another of your creations some day.


  10. I'm sure it is easy to just play and play...staring and admiring the beautiful colors and patterns. It must make you feel very warm and happy! Looks like a good lesson plan...I mean weekly schedule!!

  11. Colors are great...
    It looks beautiful...

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