
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stash fun

It was a miscellany day........................
That is a word isn't it? I started out the morning vacuuming all of the threads in the basement. Then I decided I should look for some black flannel to make the final border on the flannel quilt from yesterday. I would settle for plain black or a black plaid. I haven't found any yet but I still have one more box behind the design wall that the argyle quilt is on so I will check that later. What I did find is three groups of flannels ready to make quilts from.

Some are the brushed fabrics from Moda, but then so is a flannel a brushed cotton so they all fall in the same category for me.
Then last night I made another journal cover. You might remember the little paper pieced squares I did a couple months ago. I really intended for the 2 small squares to be at the bottom but I cut the fabric wrong so they are at the top. It almost looks like a face. This one is a little plainer than some that I make. I did some random parallel stitching rows on it. I also sewed a few rows of the Argyle quilt. I have 11 more rows to sew, the longest ones because I pieced together 9 rows in the other corner opposite the corner that I sewed on Tuesday.


  1. A yummy selection of brushed cotton/flannel! Can't wait to see if you make something from these.
    That's a good use of those tiny blocks you made...beautiful journal cover.

  2. It's so hard to find good color flannel. So many of them look like my winter PJ's, but 2nd and 3rd piles look great. I've been collecting flannel for a while and a quilt will grow eventually!!

  3. Flannel quilts are just great for those cold winter days. We have two that we seem to always be fighting over when snuggling watching the T. V. in the winter. The journal cover is fantastic.

  4. The journal covers are really nice. Making one is on my to-do-soon list.

  5. Wanda,
    When do you sleep ? I noticed the times of your post and it seems like you are sleeping less and sewing more !
    Thanks for reminder of flannel quilts, I have one I need to finish. This cool weather we are having enhances the idea of doing a flannel quilt.

  6. Very cute journal cover. I wonder if you found your black? I noticed that the blues pop out on the quilt a bit, would you consider blue for the border if you can't find black? I can see some pretty flannel quilts in your future.

  7. The journal cover is the kind of project we should do at Guild! Do-able in hours instead of months! Very pretty!

  8. What a dreamy stash of flannels to dive into.

    Your journal covers make as big of a statement as your quilts do. Fabrics as usual are awesome.


  9. I would love to "shop" at your house. *S*...What a treasure trove you have.

    When I'm looking for flannels or fleece, I go to

    She has good deals there and many choices beyond PJ patterns.

  10. I love all of your journal covers. And I wouldn't characterize this one as plain at all! It's pretty, interesting, and dynamic.

  11. Thats a lot of flannel, you must have tons of fabric! Very pretty journal cover-

  12. Really nice bunch of flannels. What I seem to always find in my neck of the woods is neons or baby flannels--not my flavor. Cool journal cover too. Do you have as many journals as you have journal covers?

  13. Hi Wanda,
    Your journal cover isn't really plain, but everything is relative. If little kids liked journals it could be a Mr. or Ms. "Robot face" journal cuz that's what it looks like to me.
    Your flannel quilt from the previous post is very nice and would fit right into my living room.

    Vicky F

  14. Your flannels look lovely!
    Journal covers... on the must try list.

  15. Great journal cover! Can't wait to see what you will make with all those lovely flannels. My goodness! What time do you get up in the morning. You poted this at 5:00am.

  16. I love the journal cover -- sort of makes me think of a little computer robot!
    The flannels are yummy -- and a sure sign, I guess, that fall's not too far off.

  17. Great journal cover. I love the combination of colors. It's sort of like pictures on a wall. I like it!


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