
Friday, August 7, 2009

I knew I had sewn some green strips......
I went down to the basement to empty the dehumidifier and spied the green strips over on another table. I thought I had sewn some Wed. but didn't see them the night before when I was taking pictures.
Last night my monitor on my desktop computer kept fading out and wiggling the mouse did not bring it back. I kept turning off the monitor and on again and then it would work a few minutes and then fade out again. It is a little over 6 years old so I think it lasted longer than they predict they will last. I had purchased a 19" HDTV a month ago for that room and my son told me that can be my monitor. I'm going to pick up the cable this morning and hopefully I can get it to work. Meanwhile I am on my laptop. I don't have the same photo editing program on this computer so the picture looks a little dull.

I was as exhausted as I thought I would be after working at the store all day so I only accomplished about 30" on the binding of the queen size quilt. I hope to get out and dig in the garden a little today before the heat wave hits this weekend.


  1. It really makes things tough when computers go haywire. Hope it all works out soon. I love the green though, very soft and subtle.

  2. Those green strips are gorgeous -- love how soft they are. The fabric with writing/printing on it is gorgeous!
    I've seen computer set-ups using HDTV's as monitors -- works fabulously.

  3. Too bad about your monitor. I also lay quilty things down when going from room where I sew to the kitchen where I press. Or sometimes I drop them enroute!

  4. I can't wait to see this one put together! It will be gorgeous, I just know it!
    Happy quilting.

    K n' KS

  5. Your greens are so fresh and airy I can visualize them worked into your vanilla piece.

    So glad you are so computer savvy to be able to go ahead and post today.


  6. My monitor is supposed to receive TV signals... never hooked it up to the cable to try it, but technology is quite amazing. Hope this works for you. With your track record, I'm positive that the quilt is going to work!

    Weather here was dense fog/smog this morning. Looks like smoke from a forest fire somewhere and we are getting the drift. Sure raising havoc with my allergy to smoke.

  7. I can also easily picture these pale mints worked into your vanilla piece, and adding it to its gorgeousness! Yummy!
    Really hot here today, too. Hope you got out early for your gardening.
    I also hope you get your new make shift tv "monitor" to work!

  8. I've been absent for a while so I've really enjoyed catching up with all the work you've been doing.Love the beaded curtain,the progress on your "neutrals" nine patch, and the completed "strips and curves". You have inspired me to try teaching a class myself for this same book. Hope my local shop will be interested.

  9. It is so distrubing to me when the computer, and parts, are not working correctly. It is like the car not working properly. Very frusterating. I hope your tv works in lieu of a monitor for you.

  10. I checked out all your past blogs on the vanilla quilt. I think it will be lovely. Can't wait to see it all come together as one.

  11. Hi Wanda,
    Isn't it annoying when computer stuff lasts 4-5 years and the employees at the computer place say "you're lucky it lasted that long; that's really old". Sheesh.

    The greens you've chosen for the strips look pretty even without color editing.
    Vicky F

  12. *sigh*, a heatwave seems such an alien concept at the moment!

  13. I can't wait to see how these subtly colored blocks work into the mix!

  14. The strips are so soft and gentle. Are they for the vanilla quilt or do they just sort of match the mood of Vanilla?


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