
Saturday, August 1, 2009

I am overwhelmed with the response..........
to my question yesterday. I will definitely still have words on my blog and will continue in the same manner as I have in the past. I enjoy writing this blog and posting my pictures and am happy to have so many readers that enjoy it.

I gave the last Strips 'n Curves class yesterday and then I was able to come home and sew my 2 pieces that were in progress as demo material. Here is the Kaffe Fassett and batik version.......
and here is the Christmas one. I changed the layout of the blocks to make it give the impression of piles of Christmas balls. I will still add borders to this one (next Friday on Strips 'n Curves day on my schedule).

My students did great and all of them got most or all of the sewing done. We decided this one was busy enough in the fabric to not have a busy layout also. It worked very well with all circles.
This one is all sewn together and the fabric on the left was auditioned and approved as a border. It will have a narrow border first.
This student used a striped fabric and 3 other fabrics for a very attractive quilt. Here are blocks in the final layout for this one. This student had the seams all sewn in one direction and just needed to sew the final 5 seams by the time the class was finished. We chose her borders before she left.I had some questions yesterday about my basting. If you go to the Labels list on the right side bar and click on the word "basting" and scroll down, you will see the type of needles I use and see my explanation of how I do it. If anybody has any further questions, click on the email link, also on the right side bar and I will personally email you back.
Someone else asked if I would do a tutorial on Strips 'n Curves. There is a book that I followed for the technique by Louisa A. Smith and I briefly explained some of the steps on my blog. You would need to buy the book or check it out of the library for a full tutorial.
Someone else asked where I teach. I only teach in the town where I live, Sandwich, IL right now. I retired 3 and half years ago to be available for my elderly parents. Even though my mother passed away May 17th I still have my 95 year old dad to be available for so I don't go far from home.


  1. I love the pics, but as long as I've been quilting I always learn something new by reading about the process. I was noticing your reading list. We have the same taste for "murder mysteries". I listen to my books on my MP3 so I can sew or do housework at the same time. Do you do the MP3?

  2. you have some good students. Or maybe they have a good teacher! Great work by all of you.

  3. Wow, your students did a fantastic job. Each and everyone is so different, yet so beautiful! I love them all. What a great teacher you are. If I were in Sandwich, I would definitely take a class from you. I am also glad to hear that you will be keeping your blog formate the same.

  4. I love all the quilts - but then i really like doing the drunkards path like that and I have made several using that technique. I noticed that we read a lot of the same books too.
    I'm two hours from my elderly mom so my youngest sister does all of the taking care of - I know I am lucky that she is able and willing to do it, your dad is lucky he has you even if he might not be aware of it.

  5. The class quilts turned out great - every one of them!

  6. You are obviously a very good teacher and you must have some students who are definitely not beginners. Their choices of colors and layout, as well as their skill in putting them together shows that. do you get a lot of repeat students? I'm guessing you have a following, if you only teach in Sandwich.

    I remain amazed at the sheer quantity of quilts you manage to complete. I did a small top last evening and felt quite good about it.

    You are very inspiring. I look forward to your daily blog--including the words.

  7. Love these quilts, your batiks & Fassett especially.

  8. The orange and the one above it, the brown and red are my faves!

  9. Okay, I'm going to have to get this book and try it myself. Those quilts are stunners, every one of them!

  10. Well, I might just have to get back to that one that I started so long ago. I just love seeing all of the student work. That's something I always liked about teaching a class. The variety is so fun to see.

  11. Wow! What amazing quilts in the making! Your students' quilts are quite amazing.
    Your Fassett/batik and Christmas quilts are fantastic. I love how the setting changes make the block appear so different!

  12. I love all the different versions of Strips and Curves. I'm just wondering how you are going to quilt yours? I took a class many years ago and I have yet to quilt it. I made 2 tops and I haven't seen any quilted except for the teachers sample in the class which didn't appeal to me. I'm always looking for inspiration. I will post pics later today of the tops I made.

  13. These are beautiful Susan. You are so talented and isn't it fun to share your knowledge with others? Shirley (learningfa)

  14. Thank you for posting pics of the final class projects. They are so beautiful. I'd love to see a post on how you quilt the ones you created!

  15. LOVE them all!!! Wig.

  16. 70 comments left yesterday ! Is that a record or what ?

    I read the commenter's comments also, a fun read each day.

    Your two strips and curves are gorgeous! Love them both and your students work is right up there with yours also. How great they must feel to make such beautiful pieces. When you give so much of yourself you get back even more.


  17. I love these -- what a great class; wish I could have taken it with you. Having all those projects on your quilt-every-day-of-the-week list going at once gives me the whim-whams! No wonder you get so much done, you amaze me!

  18. I would almost consider moving back to IL so you could teach me to make this quilt. But, I guess I will have to buy the book. LOL

  19. I absolutely read all you write! I also enjoy seeing all the photos of course. Lovely quilts there, all so different.

  20. I love your final layout on your christmas quilt. Very nice!!


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