
Monday, August 31, 2009

Another journal cover......................
A friend of mine wants to buy several of these journal covers so I am trying to make a stack of them that she can choose from. This one is similar to one I made last year, but with different fabrics. Either side could be the front of this one.......side 1
Side 2
The whole thing opened up. This one is made from the leftovers of the strata for my Prismatic Garden quilts (see Label list on right side bar for posts with those quilts).
A nutting we will go.................. Is that part of a poem? or a song? The squirrels are snatching up the few walnuts that have fallen.
See how wide he can open his mouth? This just cracks me up that they pick up a walnut off the ground but then they climb a tree to shell it. Can you imagine climbing a tree to peel an orange?
I am typing this at 11:30 p.m. Sunday night and it is already down to 47 degrees. I hope it is warmer in the morning when this posts at 5 a.m.


  1. I could imagine climbing a tree to peel an apple if I were afraid something bigger than me might sneak up and eat me.

    The journal covers are great.

  2. The journal covers are terrific! How funny are squirrels. I love to watch them too. My mom has a habit of feeding the squirrels right on her deck. They come to the sliding glass door and wait for her to open up the store!

  3. Hi Wanda,
    It's getting to feel like fall, huh?
    Gorgeous journal cover.
    And cute picture of the squirrel. Another thing that cracks me up about squirrels is how they use their tail as an umbrella if they are under my bird feeder in the rain.
    Vicky F

  4. My big question is this...after your friend picks out the yummy journal covers she wants, what will you do with the yummy goodness that is the rest????

    One of the funniest things I ever saw was a squirrel that had somehow gotten into a dumpster and removed some left over pizza someone had put there. The squirrel held a slice just as we would, nibbling off the end. It was a truly hilarious sight! Your squirrel pictured here sure is a cuteness!

  5. I love your journal covers! May I ask how much you charge? I've had a couple of inquiries, and am not sure where to begin with pricing.

    Thank you for any help in the matter!

  6. What a great use of leftovers from quilts -- very pretty journal covers.

    My grandmother used to call squirrels "the children of the woods." I think of that every time I see them running around, up and down, chasing each other, seemingly just for the fun of it.

  7. "Can you imagine to build a box", said the squirrel, "that is four times as tall as you, and to get inside to have a meal?"

  8. This quilt is going to be beautiful. Can't wait to see it when you finish it.

    Cute squirrel photos too!

    Thanks for sharing.


  9. These journal covers are so great. I love the selvage strips in there!! I've seen a bunch of different projects using them, but this one is my FAVORITE!!

    Squirrels are so funny; quite a few years back my mother in law spotted two mating up in a tree and she was squeeling and laughing so hard that we still love to share the memory at family gatherings. :)

  10. I'm loving all of your journal covers. So original...each and every one and gorgeous too.

  11. Your friend will have such fun choosing from your great array of covers. Love this one, and it always makes me smile when I see the precision of the matched seams you sew.

    Hope your squirrels saves some walnuts for you. I'm sure he just had to get a taste of this nut before he continues to gather more for his winter stash.


  12. Love the journal covers and the fact that you are using left over pieces from another project is even better.

  13. Each one of these journal covers you make is a little work of art all on its own! The recipients of those must be thrilled!
    We've had no squirrels this year on the roof garden -- so I really enjoyed seeing your picture!

  14. That squirrel looks very healthy & sleek!

  15. Aren't squirrels amazing- my husband has a squirrel in the observatory that he works that they call Go 2( a type of telescope). The squirrel will come and suss out where they have hidden the peanuts and carts them off to his home where he is saving them( ie squirrelling them away VBG)for winter. He is quite the entertaining squirrel.
    The weather is very warm for this time of year- 30 degrees Centigrade.. There is no airconditioning in our school so it is plenty warm but nice not to need lots of extra clothing just yet. One more day before the students arrive...


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