
Friday, July 10, 2009

After the rain the sun came out............
and then I went out and took some pictures of the lush greens. Here a huchera/coral bell is nestled down between hostas and violets.
I caught the coneflowers in all stages of opening.

These coneflowers are in the shade garden so they don't stay bright colored for very long. They fade out to a pale pink
I have more garden pictures for tomorrow too.


  1. Colour is always wonderful in the garden, but sometimes I like the greens the best. Your garden looks lovely.

  2. Wow, your coneflowers are far along. Mine have a way to go yet.

  3. Beautiful garden. I bet the coneflowers are still really pretty in a pale pink.

    The rain just keeps on coming here. It will stop very briefly, but then is back at it!

  4. What gorgeous green plants! Your cone flowers are so pretty!!
    We've had almost a whole week without much rain but tomorrow promises to be rainy as can be with thunderstorms.

  5. Your gardens grow like your beautiful quilts.


  6. Oh how wonderful! Such nice photos


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