
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The hum of the machine........
is so soothing and relaxing. I needed some unwind time last night so I worked on the last 2 pieced borders. I wanted them to be a little lighter because it was beginning to look too dark to me.
I auditioned a dark purple print for the final border. I had to lighten the picture for the print to show up. The colors above are more true.
A couple weeks ago Wendy asked if anyone had a certain piece of fabric that they would part with, one that was about 7 years old. She said she would trade some fabric for it. I had a piece of it and even though I loved the print I figured I was never going to use it. I told her I would like selvages in trade for it. Here is what she sent me. She had a lot of fabrics that I didn't so they really add to my collection. PLUS she let me keep the selvage off the piece I sent to her!

Pink columbine in late afternoon.
My only cousin on my mother's side of the family took a vacation day and drove up from the Springfield, IL area to visit my dad today. He was so happy he had visited my parents in April when he came through this area the last time.


  1. Love the quilt's progress! I like the strips in the corners, better than the fans. The purple border is pretty (I have to sort of imagine it lighter anyway, knowing how dark purple appears in photographs!)

    Those sure are a lot of selvages!

    I'm looking for a Patrick Loose fabric with a turquoise background with kooky coffee cups all over it from about 6 or 7 years ago, if anyone wants to trade for something! I should have bought a lot more of that fabric...

    I hope you are hanging in there, Wanda, and will keep you in my thoughts.

  2. Love the quilt in progress! That's a lot of selvage I can't wait to see what you do with them.

  3. Glad to hear that you were able to get a little unwind time! That is always good. The quilt is looking great! Can't wait to see what you are going to do with all those selvages. Oh, and that pink columbine is beautiful!

  4. I have selvage envy, Wanda! I know you will come up with something terrific for them.

  5. Amazing how a trip to the sewing machine unravels the knots. Glad you can do that. I too am looking forward to what you do with all those selvages. I also love the columbine photo. It reminds me that I've wanted to tackle Ruth McDowell's columbine pattern (well, one of them) and in these colors or at least the sunny version.

    You stay on my mind...

  6. What a great selection of selvages! I can't wait to see what you do with them. I think sewing and quilting are therapeutic also...I can get lost for hours in my studio!

  7. This piece has been a joy to watch it grow. The purple compliments the inner purple ~ I had to enlarge it to see the prints are different. Leaves in the new border and blossoms in the inner border.

    Nice collection of selvages for sure.

    And to close with a beautiful columbine photo. Your photo's always are as beautiful as your quilt tops.


  8. Glad you like the selvages! I gave you almost every single selvage in my stash.

  9. What are your plans for the selvages?

  10. I am catching up after a long birthday weekend. I am so sorry to hear of your Mom's passing on my birthday! I hope you are doing okay and that your Dad is too. My sympathies.

  11. Clearly, my stash is way too puny.....I'm amazed at the vast fabrics you use so well!

    I'm sorry to read about your Mother.......

  12. Really like your choice for the corners of this one. Always so much fun to see what your making!

  13. That purple is just right for the final border. Very yummy.
    I have not yet gotten into collecting selvedges, but I see some cute and unique things made with them.
    My columbines all face downward, so I'd have to get on my back under them to get a good photo.
    Vicky F

  14. Nice ending for this little quilt. What will you call this one? These selvages will add nicely to your growing to see what you make.

  15. I love that little quilt. Somehow it gives me the feeling of looking into an endless set of mirrors.
    Glad you were able to sew and relax.

  16. Oh wow, I LOVE the litle quilt! What a brilliant idea someone had to keep going with it! ;)


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