
Friday, May 8, 2009

Clearing up the confusion.......
Here are the paper piecing patterns for all 4 different blocks and some that are pieced (in no particular order).
This is the next size bigger (3" finished) and this is all 4 of the different blocks.
There are 2 more sizes of blocks and 4 different block patterns for those sizes too. I don't know if they will all make it into one project or if I will use some of these on journal covers. Right now I am using them as a relaxation project while my mind is on other things.
I went to a garden center today and exchanged a pair of gardening gloves for a different size and bought 2 new perennials. I didn't take pictures of them yet, so maybe tomorrow. We had a little more rain around 2 a.m. and again at 4 p.m. yesterday so it is still a little too wet for planting.


  1. HMMM... so much for just making one...LOL

  2. That quilt (in all blue) has been on my to do list for quite some time. At one time I printed out the blocks, but I could not put my finger on them right now if you paid me!

  3. Love all the bright batiks you are using. Are you stitching around the outside of all those small blocks?

  4. I know you will have so much fun adding these blocks into different projects, if you don't use them all in one quilt! They are just the perfect little size to spice up handbags, journal covers, and the like! I love the batiks you are using!

  5. Looking good! I love these and always love your color and fabric choices.

  6. I am not into paper piecing, but for small blocks like this, I bet it would be worth it -- and not hard. You can precut the fabric to just the right size. They're so beautiful.

  7. Excellant tutorial... And always a treat to see your fabric choices.


  8. O my those are just can't stop can you?


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