
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Resorting, restacking, finding new storage places.
This first pile is baby quilts awaiting family and friends' babies.
This next stack is quilts I have decided to give away waiting for recipients to come and choose.

This pile on the guest bed is "recently finished and not ready to part with" quilts.
I don't like to get a lot of fold marks in the small wallhangings and table runner type pieces so they are in another stack on the guest bed.
And finally, the last few quilts that haven't gone back to the storage closet yet and suitcases to put away.
I hope you have enjoyed my stacks.


  1. I have lots of stacks of things around my house too but they don't look that good!

  2. *sigh* I dream of the day when I have stacks of quilts laying around looking pretty!

  3. They're all so pretty in their stacks I'd want to leave them out on display!

  4. I love the stacks of wonderful quilty goodness!! They are beautiful stack, but I bet truly gorgeous opened up.

  5. I love your stacks. I still can't believe how much you are able to accomplish!

  6. I wish I was as "stacked" as you are! Brava! Love your quilts, especially the variety.

  7. It seems you are partial to the batiks.

  8. Why is getting out so much easier than putting back? Looks like there are going to be some happy people getting some quilts though!

  9. I always call them piles, so I can say that I have my "pilot's license". yea, that's bad....

    The quilt piles look great!


  10. Happy stacks of finished projects are so much better than the pile of incompletes that tend to haunt a quilter...

    I like your stacks. Add me to the pile!

  11. Thanks for the excellent trunk show! And we didn't even have to leave home.

  12. If there are giveaway quilts, I will get in line. I will take any and all of those quilts in any picture! They are absolutely wonderful!

  13. Happy to offer my name for the quilt with Laurel Burch fabrics in that give-away stack... just in case the person for whom it is destined isn't properly appreciative!


  14. Wow, I would love to have all those stacks, but you are much more proficient in your quilting then I!

    If by any chance you can't find homes for all the quilts in the give away pile, you know how to reach me. I am not picky either... I will gladly give any of them a home :-)

  15. Your quilt stacks are all so colorful and bright! How lovely.

  16. Oh Wanda the stacks are beautiful in their own right! My stack is 'unfinished' stack! Roll on the day when it will be a 'finished' stack!

  17. Your stacks have really inspired me to get to work! I want to have stacks and stacks of beautiful finished work, too.

  18. What a lovely stack of quilts and I noticed the blue/green 4 patch quilt is on top of the stack of smaller quilts.

  19. I see I am not the only one with stacks of quilts. and the same kind of stacks to, except no baby quilts.
    I don't have a storage closet though, I have a storage room! Very inspiring. thanks

  20. I have stacks of quilts too - but not a stack to give away!!! My little boy loves it when I stack them all up and then he gives them a big hug! That sure is alot of quilts you have. Cheers! Evelyn

  21. Instead of stash envy, I have STACKS envy!

    What a great collection of your wonderful work. Thanks for the impromtu quilt show!

  22. Your stacks are that of an a true fabric artist.


    p.s. I knew you would have a great turn out for your trunk show. You have a great reputation.



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