
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Trying some more choices

I tried 4 more fabrics, eliminated one before even taking pictures. Click on the pictures and have a closer look. This fabric is gold/melon print.
This purple looks so much at home I hardly noticed it had been added, but then I didn't want the new color to take your eye away from everything else.
This one is a deeper gold/orange batik.
Tomorrow a friend is coming over to baste her quilts and I will sew in all of the zebra pieces. They will become smaller when the seams are taken. All of the new colors I have tried adding are going to be narrower arcs too so they won't be quite as bold as they look now.


  1. i like the first gold/melon print. It wakes it up without being over powering.Wig.

  2. Hi Wanda, I think they all fit in and look right at home. I can't wait to see the finished piece. By the way, I like how you are playing with the pieces I cut for you. Isn't it fun to move them around to see different designs pop up. I love yours because it is full of color!

  3. Hi Wanda... now, I am shocked I am saying this, because I love color... but... I found the piece much more cohesive, before the color swaps. It had movement, balance and depth. Now I find my eye goes to the melon and gold arcs... the purple does seem to blend better. So if you were looking for something to catch the eye, I think you have succeeded. Anyway... just my two cents :-)....

    Can't wait to see it quilted!

  4. Wanda... Lovely quilt! I know it is hard to judge from a photograph, but I find that the purple, green, and gold fabrics you have inserted may be a little too solid (or rather they read as too solid)... To me it seems that they interrupt the overall feel of the piece and draw attention away from the other fabrics.. I personally would try fabrics with a bit more movement... JMHO, and I love your blog and quilts!

  5. lol. What fun!

    Now you'll get to put the green back in! ;)

  6. I really like the punch of color with the golden and plum tones. The original was pretty but benefits from the purples and golds. My eyes needed the focal points of color!

  7. Wow - if I had to choose, I think I'd go with choice 3 first, then choice 2. I really like the effect of the purple.

  8. I liked all of them the one from yesterday too with the green!

  9. This not a shy piece... It explodes with rythmn and color. I am sure to see the piece for real is even more exciting. Each block is a creation in itself. And can see why you are testing all on your design wall.


  10. They all work, I like the purple/melon combo, I do get a sort of "Big Dipper" vibe from my eyes, it really does draw your eye to a sort of nonexistent check mark...
    So it depends what your goal is.
    its very bold, I like it that way.
    You have an amazing eye.

  11. I like the purple and melon combo. It really livens it up. Can't wait to see what you finally decide on.

    It is so fun to watch it all come together.

  12. I think they all work! Even the green batik...maybe in small doses for that one. But I love the addition of the gold and the purple, and the zebra print looks right at home! It's fun to 'watch' you play with your choices...and also to learn from your choices (me learning, not you!) Thank you for sharing your thoughts as well as your photos. It's always an education in color to visit your blog!

  13. "Playtime" at your house is never boring!!

  14. I've been loving these posts and watching each addition. Each time you add something I think...Yes, that's perfect!!! I don't think you can make a's gorgeous!!!

  15. I must be honest, I really like that gold/melon sparsely placed in the quilt.


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