
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Santa's "rug"

Cheri mentioned yesterday that she liked Santa's rug (from picture in yesterday's post). I looked back in my picture archive and I don't think I showed this one before. It was my sample for a class several years ago teaching crazy piecing with the fancy stitches on the sewing machine. I provided kits with pre-cut chunks of fabric that the class worked with. Each of the 4 quarters is different (no paper piecing).


  1. Thanks for showing the whole thing! It looks great with all the glittery fabrics and stitching.

  2. I love crazy quilts. The stitches are so pretty with all the shapes.

  3. VERY festive...thanks for letting us see all the details. Lovely thing to do with lots of holiday scraps!

  4. Oooh -- love the look of that! I'm tempted to try one something like that.

  5. What a darling Santa cookie jar. His colorful rug is great, too. It is a good opportunity to use some of those fancy stitches we have on our machines. I seldom use them anymore.

  6. yours looks good....i've played around with crazy quilting before but i never could get mine to look right!

  7. Another beautiful piece! Looks so pretty with all the glitzy fabrics and threads!

    I like your Santa cookie jar too. I've never seen one like that!

  8. I think I can now make a crazy quilt using my sewing machine special stitches. Thanks for sharing.

  9. That's just beautiful! I have a jillion stitches on my machine that I never use. I ought to try this!

  10. It's beautiful and I love the "no paper piecing" part.

  11. Love all the Christmas fabrics so rich in color... Really a fun piece, plus the different machine stitches gives it even more interest.



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