
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Final finish for 2008

There is nothing like getting in just under the wire. I finished the binding at 6 p.m. This first picture is for Julie, who couldn't wait to see it tossed over a chair. Well it is a love seat, but that's the best I can do.  This is the Bento Box pattern done in batik fabrics. Here is the whole quilt, with the border added and binding finished.
Here is a close up of the border and binding. I love the border fabric and now it is almost all gone. I always like the binding to be just a little darker than the border so it looks finished.
Happy New Year everyone. Thanks for all of the good wishes you have thrown my way. I hope next year is prosperous in many ways for each of you, and good health to all. I don't usually make resolutions, I just start new projects.


  1. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I knew you could do it;)

  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!!!!..the quilt looks GREAT!

  3. Congratulations on a beautiful quilt finish!! I don't make resolutions either. Happy New Year!

  4. That is another lovely quilt! Such lovely colours.
    All Best Wishes for your 2009.

  5. Congrats on finishing the quilt! And Happy New Year to you. May 2009 hold as many finished ufo's for you as 2008 did.

  6. How lovely to have a finished quilt to finish the year! Hope you have a good 2009, and many thanks for all the good wishes and inspiration you have provided over the last year.

  7. Happy New Year. I love, Love, LOVE that border fabric!

  8. TA DAA! wonderful finish, it is beautiful. Good idea on the border and binding. will have to try that. Happy new year!

  9. Happy New Year Wanda. I like your approach to NY's resolutions! I started a new project last night before midnight, but I will probably scrap it--what way is that to end the year? Good thing is that I expect the second edition to be much improved. Have a quiltastic year.

  10. I can't think of a better way to start the new year than with a project! Happy New Year to you.

  11. What a beautiful quilt! And, I'm so with you when it comes to new year's resolutions :-)

    Happy new year!

  12. Lovely quilt, Wanda. Happy New Year!

  13. Thanks, Wanda ~ what a beautiful quilt!!! And I do appreciate that first photo, too :-)

    Happy New Year ~

  14. Love batiks and finally have a large enough collection to make a batik quilt in 2009...just have to decide on a pattern since the batiks are all DIFFERENT color...and I also am not capable of anything too difficult. Any suggesions???

  15. wonderful quilt! I love batiks, and I love that pattern! Way to go, Wanda - great job!

  16. Lovely! I was excited to find this, as I have just completed my first quilt top, with is a bento box, and I have no idea on how I should quilt it... can't wait to go finish it now!

  17. It is absolutely beautiful! What a stunning quilt...lovely.

  18. I was searching Google Images and for Bento Box and came upon your beautiful quilt, I LOVE IT! I was going to post a picture of it on my blog as a quilt I would like to make, but I thought I better ask for your permission first. I would give you full credit of course!


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