
Friday, December 19, 2008

Cut strips!

Vicki F mentioned in yesterday's comments that it is hard to see how all of the Kaffe fabrics go together when you see them on the bolts. I always say that you don't see the personality of a print fabric until you see it cut into strips. Large prints fool you into thinking you have to use large chunks of them, but if you cut a strip off you see something new. Here are my bags of 1-1/2" and 2" Kaffe fabrics. I have only played with the clean up cuts so far. I think I'm almost ready to pick a project for these. We didn't get a lot of snow from the overnight storm but there is a coating of ice pellets over the top of what we did get. Now it is snowing again, little puff balls for awhile, and now just flurries. All of the schools around us are closed. Yes, we will have a white Christmas, with the temps dropping into the teens next week.


  1. Wanda, you are right! I have some Kaffe fabric and I went up to my studio and cut some strips and am amazed that I am not seeing a whole new use for them. I had one 1/2yard piece that has very large flowers on it at least 6 inches across. I have had it for quite a while waiting to use it but have never found anything to put it on. I cut a strip of it and I am seeing rolling hills.... texture...water....all sorts of uses.

    Sometimes his fabric is so overwhelming you forget to look at the details. Yet I keep buying it because of the fantastic color!
    Thank you.

  2. This is absolutely true for me ~ I was paralyzed by the colors and patterns, unable to cut or use the fat quarter bundle. . . I've faced this before, but for some reason with the KF's, I just couldn't get over the hump.

  3. I think I need to go straight to the studio and cut some strips.

  4. Good advice. This works for hand-dyed fabrics too. If you cut off a strip, it makes it easier to cut the rest of that precious piece of fabric too.

  5. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for those lovely strips.

  6. Great advise as always. Your posts are my educational entertainment for the day. And to use the archives when I forget something is a bonus also. Thanks Wanda.


  7. You are so right about cutting the large prints. By the way, I received the 2 bags today in the mail, before the snowfall. I love them!! Now I think I will have to make some. It is still snowing here and the kids had off from school. Hubby just went out to snow blow the driveway, begrudgingly.

  8. Those strips look yummy. I'm thinking of going to my sewing room and just cut away!

  9. That is certainly an interesting comment about large-print fabrics, and I had not thought of it that way. Thinking of them in this way gives me freedom to use some my larger print Lonni Rossi fabrics in more ways than I imagined, as well. Thanks!

  10. The colours in those Kaffe fabrics are so wonderful.

  11. ...sigh....i don't have any of these...wish i had some.....( i have strips..just not Kaffee fabric)

  12. Mom, can I go play at Wandas house? Her toys are funner then mine!

    I was pulling pieces out of my scrap boxes today for an inner border, now I want to play with yours instead. Mine are not cut all nice and organized. Someday, maybe.

  13. I got brave with a few of the Kaffe Fassett prints I have and printed some .50" hexagons. Wow -- love the totally different looks one gets from different areas of a half-yard. It's like getting 3 or 4 fabrics for the price of one!


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