
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Quilt to finish

20 years ago the Christmas fabrics weren't as pretty as they are now. I made this quilt top a loooong time ago and haven't wanted to finish it. I think this is the year it will get done. I didn't open it all the way up but I think it is a diagonal pattern. The dark green is the border and the poinsettia fabric is the backing.

My dad came out ok at his appt. with the specialist who cauterized a couple places in Dad's nose and wants to see him in 2 weeks. I was back home before 3 p.m. and the meal was great at 5 p.m. I took a small humidifier over to their apartment too so that will help. They keep the apartment so hot that it was really dry in there.

Leftovers! I have leftovers. I won't have to cook anything from scratch for about 4 days. That makes me happy.


  1. I think you are correct. Christmas fabrics are definitely nicer now than they were and there is more of a variety. But I do like you quilt alot. I am so glad you dad is doing well. A humidifier is a great thing this time of the year. My nose, and skin get really dry and yes sometimes bleed. Lotion is applied almost constantly to the hands.

  2. I think those fabrics are beautiful, and can't wait to see it done.

  3. I like thise prints! Just a little while longer and it will come back in style :) Just you wait and see!
    Some of the clothes are wore back in the 80s are very stylish now -on younger people, not on me!
    I'm glad to hear your dad is doing well :)

  4. Glad to hear that your Dad is doing better. I am on a 'finishing' spree also. While the fabrics are not as colourful as your usual stuff, I am sure the finished quilt will look great anyway.

  5. Quilts are made for memories. And these calico prints from the eighties have a place in our hearts; I really like it.

    Good to hear your Dad is on the mend.


    p.s. I love leftovers also.

  6. I'm sure it will be beautiful when it's done. Glad to hear your dad is on the mend.

  7. Sometimes when I read what you have to say, I feel like we are 'separated twins' because your thoughts are such a reflection of mine! This includes our opinion of some of those older fabrics, the desire to finish what we start, and the bit about leftovers! That last one is because we would rather be sewing than cooking, but we just can't train ourselves to not eat! LOL. Have a great weekend!

  8. The material DOES bring back memories, if nothing else! But it's festive and very "Christmasy".
    Glad your Dad's doing better. I know what you mean about our older loved ones' hot homes. My grandma turns 90 in a couple of weeks...and that's about as hot as she keeps it too.

  9. Our precious parents. We worry so much over them, much as they must have worried over us.
    I think that Christmas quilt will be very nice.

  10. Goodness! I had ALL of those fabrics.
    Glad to hear your Dad is doing well.

  11. Despite the enhancements, changes, and upgrades, Christmas is essentially about traditions... and the fabrics in your quilt are wonderfully traditional (not at all trendy or likely to go out of holiday fashion) ~ will be fun to see it finished (for you and for us).

    Glad to hear the news about your father ~ and your leftovers. (we've been feasting, sans cooking, since Thursday!)

    Take care of you, too.

  12. Thursday when we finished dinner my family assured me I could continue to cook Thanksgiving dinner (our daughters are 19 and 22). But they said I cook too much food, as we surveyed the leftovers. I told them I would continue to cook the big dinner, and I would continue to cook just as much, so I don't have to cook again for 3-4 days! Just warm up the leftovers. There's a method to my madness.
    I'm glad to hear your dad is doing better. Hope the humidifier helps.
    I like the Christmas quilt, the fabrics are lovely.

  13. Glad to hear about your dad doing better. I have a bunch of christmas fabric from back in the 80's that i don't know what to do with. it's in my ugly fabric box. it amazes me how when it's cut up and sewn back together it looks better.

  14. So glad your dad is doing better. The humidifier should really help -- my nose and skin are dry all winter.

    I like the photo of your quilt. Looks very Christmassy even if the fabrics aren't the most modern.

  15. wanda,
    I love the traditional fabrics in your quilt - they remind me of days gone by- I am sure it will be just lovely when it is finished- I will look forward to seeing it when it is finished.
    Glad to hear your father is on the mend - hope he continues to feel better.


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