
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Working on 2 at a time

I have been trying to finish the quilting on this one. I did the ditch quilting about a month and a half ago so it was just waiting for the free motion addition. I decided to quilt rocks of many sizes in the black and white areas on this quilt that reminds me of water, green vegetation and rocks. the blue parts will have gentle water ripples, and the green, either grass or leaves.

It was too noisy to machine quilt while watching TV last night so I cut some more pieces and made 7 more blocks for this one. I need to add some more double 4 patch blocks with light chains and dark backgrounds.
It is frosty again this morning but we have promises of high 60's today, so I have to get out and do the flower bed clean up today.


  1. I can't believe how much you get done in a day! Love the black and white fabric.

  2. Rocks 'n water... perfect description for that quilt. I so admire you for working free motion machine quilting on a large quilt. I know you have done bigger also.

    Still am enjoying the growth of flower pots and chains of diamonds.


  3. That 'landscape' quilt is beautiful even rumpled up on your sewing table.

  4. As always, you are inspiring us!

    As for the pictures in the 'wrong' order, when I post more than one in a day, I can click on them in the 'new message' window and move them around. Is that not possible for you? This likely isn't very important, but I am curious.

    We have 34-40 temps here, but still very nice. My clematis by the front door is still blooming.

  5. Yum, I love the water flowing over the rocks. I really like your batic quilted baskets! The alternate blocks give more order...I just love it!

  6. That quilt looks lovely. What do you do to make machine quilting tolerable? I am still struggling with the quilt for my daughter. With arthritis it is almost impossible to move the monstrous thing through the machine.

  7. Oh, the blues with the black & whites is very appealing.

  8. Rocks grass & water look so soothing.

    Your baskets are looking good.
    Your weather sounds perfect!

    We are having a 40 degree celsius day -gasp!!


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