
Monday, October 6, 2008

Journal pages - October

I have been wanting to do the journal pages that so many others have done but I just couldn't seem to get started on it. I have seen them done in 9" x 12" and 8.5" x 11". I decided on the latter. I have fused the leaves in place, layered with fusible batting, a layer of canvas, and a back. I put the canvas in there for a little stiffness so the piece won't curl or wrinkle. I have stitched the leaves with a straight stitch, 2.0 in length along the outside edges and along the veins. I haven't decided on my edge finish for the page yet. Click on the picture for a closer look at the stitching.

This page is for October, when the yards are still green, but the weeds and cornfields are turning brown, and the leaves will begin turning and falling. I think I will go backwards and do a September page with one of my photos of asters and butterflies too.
How do you know if your house is cold? Yesterday I was pressing the strip piecing and my glasses were so cold they steamed up. It is cool again this morning but it is supposed to heat up by afternoon.


  1. Love the page! Great idea with the leaves, very fall.

  2. WANDA ! ! ! The leaves are absolutely gorgeous on your strip piece. I love your idea of journal pages for each month.

    Always a treat to click on my friends blog and always get so inspired.


  3. Those will be SO pretty! Are you gonna use strip piecing for the backs in all of them?

    Our bldg heat came on late yesterday, finally....but I do have my workroom window open today, since it's in the 60's. I like getting fresh air when I can.

  4. What a great page, and your stitching is so perfect!

    You sound like me... I leave the heat off and everyone is wearing sweaters, etc. while I am in short sleeves... even if my glasses are fogging up! I'm too old for hot flashes so I tell my husband that I'm just hot stuff. LOL.

  5. Your leaves are gorgeous.

  6. This is lovely. I love the pink against the background fabrics. And it's cold here too. Need to light a fire!

  7. Hi Wanda, What a beautiful page. As usual and your
    talent, the color choices are perfect. Can you tell us
    more about journal pages? The consept is new to me.

  8. I have missed reading your blog, but photos were not showing up on my old computer -- now I can see them! I just read through all the posts I missed using Google Reader, and it was amazing to see things develop before my eyes. Love all those strips, and this leaves-on-strips you're making now is just wonderful! Brilliant idea.

    I'd also like to extend my condolences on the death of your aunt. It must be very hard for your mother, too, since it was her only sister.

  9. On my first year of journal quilts, I layered Shirt Tailor interfacing under the batting with fusing away from batting before quilting, then fused muslin to the shirt tailor. I'd printed my label information on the muslin before hand and by adding it last didn't need to worry about the quilting obliterating the letters. The shirt tailor gave the piece a little stiffness like you are looking for with your canvas.

    I've done some since by fusing the muslin backing/label on with WonderUnder which also gives some stiffness. Last year I used Decor Bond in some of them because of the thread painting I was doing. That REALLY gives a nice firmness to the piece.

    It was 60 in the house this morning - first time for it to get that low! You can bet the earthstove got kicked up to take the chill off, but I haven't turned up the baseboard heat in theh computer room and my nose is definitely getting cold!

  10. Hi Wanda,
    Your journal page looks very yummy. Do you plan to put words on it or is it an "image only" type of journal page?
    I have been adding to my batik stash (it's all your fault) so I can have a decent palette to work with.
    Vicky F

  11. What a great journal page = I lvoe the printed leaves. One more thing that I need to try to do.

  12. A gorgeous page for a journal! Your leaves are so fabulous -- I saw a huge red maple leaf today that I was so tempted to bring home. Now I wish I had!


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